

Jérôme Fillon

BeOS dev #13554

Software Consultant in OOD and OOM, in Montreal.


A new idea for your Business Card,

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BeBuilder V0.1 for BeOS R4 x86

BeBuilder V0.2 for BeOS R4 x86

BeBuilder V0.3 for BeOS R4 x86





BeBuilder is a C++ (for the moment!) generator for GUI.

You draw your windows, views, buttons, ... and move them to the exact location you want. Then you generate the C++ code and everything is written for you.

The source code generated is only C++ and BeOS API, no resource files, no macro... just plain C++ and BeOS API.

BeBuilder is not a freeware, it's a jobware... well if you (can) use BeBuilder then give me a job at Be in Menlo Park, i will be the happiest guy in the world!



  • December, 27th 1998, First release! Only BWindow, BView, BButton and BTextControl are supported, you can't save the project too!
  • December, 28th 1998, the release was compiled with OPTIMIZATION = FULL and seemed to be the problem.
  • January, 10th 1999, Release V0.2 is out. Only BRadioButton, BCheckBox, BMenuBar, BMenu and BMenu Item were added. Due to a known bug you won't be able to edit the properties of the BMenu object.
  • January, 25th 1999, Release V0.3 is out. Now BeBuilder supports components as AddOns. So any developer can add his own components to BeBuilder. Nevertheless the developer's kit is not included in this package it's available upon request.


Future and features

  • Our very first goal is still to support most of the BControls, but now with the developer's kit we can hope to have zillions of BeOS components in BeBuilder and easily use them in our C++ projects.
  • We hope to have a PPC version very soon!
  • Open Source ??? maybe when every important thing will be finished.



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