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dello Sportello Virtuale ENEL, gią trasferiti all'indirizzo:
sono sospesi in attesa del varo dell' Operatore Virtuale Internet ENEL per tutt'Italia
Nice you are dropping by. I'm Umberto A. TARANTINO, Capo Ufficio Commerciale della ZONA Enel di LECCE. I've got some interesting things to do: |
(Ok, sometimes I'm too
My personal goals are:
At this very moment I'm absorbed in Wavelets & Fuzzy Analysis of Data. Meanwhile I'm learning more about HTML. (Do you help me?) Let me know.
L. Graps This has to do with Wavelets, S. O. I. and Ergonomic Computing.
I don't think this tie of blood with my wife, Giovanna A. Graps,
really exists!
Per comunicazioni
E-mail me at
e-n-e-l@geocities.com in the meantime.Indirizzo INTERNET: /e-n-e-l/
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