The ACAF/Phippco Alliance International Homepage - Est. April 15, 1998

WORLD DOMINATION IS COMING! ...with acafphippco
Stay tuned for futher updates......

Gregorian Calendar:
(Last Updated July 1, 1999)

This is the international website of the ACAF/Phippco Alliance, an independent organization subordinate to ACAF External Agencies and Alliances and Phippco International. Set up in April 1998 as part of the Treaty of Tuckahoe ending the Internespionage Wars, the Alliance works to build a future for both the ACAF and Phippco empires through cooperation and mutual development.

The stated objectives of the Alliance are as follows:

  • To further the objectives and goals of the ACAF, its component and external agencies, and Phippco International, in any non-conflicting aspects which in the end benefit both organizations towards their goals of WORLD DOMINATION;
  • To create a program for the joint development of previously conflicting aims for WORLD DOMINATION by both entities;
  • To foster the development of ACAF and Phippco awareness WORLDWIDE; and
  • To prevent further conflict betwixt the two delusional powers.

ACAF Phippco
Phippco International

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