Hi, I'm Robert Lower.
I am a German language teacher and I work at City High School in Iowa City, Iowa 52245.
My wife, Dorothy, is a director at Alice's Rainbow Daycare Centers in Iowa City, Iowa
Wir wuerden uns freuen, wenn wir mal von unseren deutschen Freunden hoeren wuerden. In den siebziger Jahren wohnten wir in Sueddeutschland--naemlich in Muenchen, Erding und Niederalteich.>
We would love to hear from some of our German friends. In the seventies we lived in southern Germany, namely in Munich, Erding and in Niederalteich.
Ausserdem besuche ich ziemlich oft mit einer GAPP-Gruppe unsere Partnerschulen in Stadthagen/Bueckeburg (in Niedersachsen).
Das letzte Mal fuhr ich im Sommer 2003 mit einer Schuelergruppe nach Norddeutschland.
We also have a number of friends in northern Germany in the towns of Bueckeburg and Stadthagen that we frequently visit with ur GAPP groups
Natuerlich wuerden wir uns auch freuen von den Freunden auch in Norddeutschland mal was zu hoeren. Of course we'd be thrilled to hear from any of our friends in northern Germany!
The description of my page is:
Email me at lower52245@netzero.com
In the meantime, send me a e-mail that you have found my site and send me a link to yours. In the coming months I will be posting pictures of us all and further links of interest to German teachers in the USA. Feel free to contact me with links you have found useful. (click to link below).
Please come back soon and visit me.
Links to Janet Caldwell's 50th Birthday Party
Janet Caldwell's Birthday Pictures Homepage
Links to pictures posted 7/27/02 on the Web
Sunset on the River
Donald and Johanna on Deck
Donald and Jennifer
Donald on the Deck
Dorothy on Fiddicks' Deck
Dorothy and Nancy on the Deck
Nancy and Dorothy
Jacob on the Deck
Jennifer and Johanna on the Deck
Jacob with Broom
Johanna on her Trike
Katherine and Jeff in Cedar Falls house
Katherine and Jeff
Links to pictures of Katherine's Wedding on the Web
Katherine And Jeff's Wedding Pictures Homepage
© 2003 lower52245@netzero.com