Welcome to my Homepage

New family Pictures posted July 20, 2007

Click on links below to see pictures
Featuring pictures of Charlotte Dorothy Masters

Janet, Jeff and Charlotte Masters





Jeff, Janet and Charlotte

Janet, Dorothy and Charlotte

Grandpa, grandma and Charlotte

Grandma, grandpa and Charlotte

Lower #10 George B. Lower Tombstone

Lower #11 George B. Lower Tombstone #2

Lower #12 Teresa Cronin Lower 1845-1926 Tombstone, Sister of G. B. Lower Jr.

Lower #13 Lucy A. Lower 1869-1943 Tombstone, Sister of George B. Lower, Jr.

Lower #14 Thomas J. Lower 1876-1943 Tombstone, Brother of George B. Lower, Jr.

Lower #15 Joe Lower 1921

Lower #16 Thomas E. Hanson, Mary E. Armstead wedding portrait, April 28, 1908

Lower #17 Young Joe Lower on his horse

Lower #18 Young Joe Lower on the phone

Lower #19 Young Leonard Lower

Lower #20 Pat Furlong, Tom Hanson, Sr., Joe Hanson, Tom Lower

Lower #21 Janet, Michelle, Bailey Caldwell at the farm

Lower #22 Don, Bob and Dave --Porch Project 2004

Lower #23 Cousins at the Family Reunion Sept. 2004

Lower #24 Great Grandpa, Alex and Jamie at the farm

Lower #25 Joe/Laurine Lower home July 2001

Lower #26 John Jennings, Sr. and the Parnell School hack

Lower #27 Lower boys and Mom & Dad

Lower #28 Lower girls and Mom 50th Anniversary

Lower #29 Tommy Hanson in the army at Soldier Field

Pictures added Feb. 5, 2005

Lower #30 1937 Parnell Shamrock Basketball Team

Lower #32 Frank Lower Baby Card

Lower #33 Laurine Lower Baker Extrordinaire

Lower #35 Hansons at Reunion 2004

Lower #36 Unknown Aunt Hanson

Lower #37 World War II Ration Book cover

Lower #38 Tom's Family Moving to Corning article

Janet at her wedding

Dorothy at Janet's/Jeff's wedding

Katherine and Janet at Janet's/Jeff's wedding

Katherine, Dorothy and Janet at Janet's/Jeff's wedding

Janet, Katherine and David at Janet's/Jeff's wedding

Katherine, Dorothy and Janet at Janet's/Jeff's wedding

Janet and Jeff at their wedding

Katherine, and Janet's Wedding Cake at Janet's/Jeff's wedding

Guests at the wedding reception

More Guests at the wedding reception

More Guests at the wedding reception

Flowers at the wedding reception

Janet and Jeff at their apartment

Janet and Alex at Janet's/Jeff's apartment

Janet and Alex at their apartment

Katherine and Alex at the hotel

More of Janet's and Jeff's Wedding pictures will be posted May 8,2004
These are amateur photos, the professional pictures will be posted when available

New Pictures of
Alexander Benjamin England
added May 8, 2003

Vital Statistics
Born: February 2, 2003 3:55 AM
Weight: 8 lbs. 6 oz
Length: 21 inches

Click on the link below for pictures!!

Frau Christmas 2003

Frau Christmas 2003

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas at Betty's

Christmas in Iowa City

Christmas in Iowa City

Christmas in Iowa City

Christmas in Iowa City

Christmas in Iowa City

Christmas in Iowa City

Christmas in Iowa City

Katherine and Dave Christmas 2003

Alex Christmas 2003

Alex Christmas 2003

House on Dec. 24 Christmas 2003

Alex (6 weeks old) and Grandpa

Alex and Katherine

Alex and Katherine



Alex and Grandpa

Alex and Katherine

Alex and Katherine

Alex and Katherine

Alex, Katherine and Grandma

Pictures of Katherine, Jeff and
Alexander Benjamin England
added March 16, 2003

Pictures from Janet Caldwell's Birthday Party added 8/12/02

Soon you'll find lots of updated info about me, my wife, Dorothy, and our kids, Katherine, Janet and David on this site

Hi, I'm Robert Lower.

I am a German language teacher and I work at City High School in Iowa City, Iowa 52245.

My wife, Dorothy, is a director at Alice's Rainbow Daycare Centers in Iowa City, Iowa

Our Kids
Katherine got married in May, 2001 to Jeff England. Their wedding took place in Penick Ridge Park near Cedar Rapids. Some of their pictures of the wedding and reception have been posted. Click below to see the pictures. Katherine graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with a BS degree in Biology. Until the end of March 2002 she was working in a lab at the University of Iowa. In April, 2002 she and Jeff moved to Cedar Falls, Iowa and Katherine is currently staying at home and being domestic -- with the new baby (see many pictures of them all posted on this site) she'll certainly have her hands full.

Janet completed her degree in engineering at the University of Iowa in 2001 and worked for the City of Iowa City as an engineer after graduation. She announced her engagement to Jeff Masters in February, 2003 -- a May 2004 wedding took place in Portland. In April, 2003 she and Jeff moved to Portland, OR. We visited them in Portland last summer and got to know the area a little bit. We'll certainly have more opportunities to get to know the GREAT NORTHWEST in the future. Janet and Jeff's are currently working on wedding reception plans -- in Iowa City on JUNE 19, 2004 -- so save the date! Pictures of Janet's and Jeff's wedding have recently been posted. More will be coming in the near future, when the professional pictures are back

David is now a graduate of Luther College. This past year he has been living in Minneapolis and singing professionally with the 'Dale Warland Singers', one of the premier choral groups in the USA. The group was nominated for a 2004 Grammy Award. The 'Dale Warland Singers' will be disbanding at the end of this season, so David is looking for another group to join for the next season. To pay the bills, David is currently working at the Olive Garden in Minneapolis, but like most kids in his situation, he's always looking for something bigger and better.

Wenn Sie diese Information in deutscher Sprache haben moechten, bitte schicken Sie mir eine e-mail und ich werde sofort eine Antwort schicken. If you would like a translation in German, please send me an e-mail and I will respond asap.

Wir wuerden uns freuen, wenn wir mal von unseren deutschen Freunden hoeren wuerden. In den siebziger Jahren wohnten wir in Sueddeutschland--naemlich in Muenchen, Erding und Niederalteich.
We would love to hear from some of our German friends. In the seventies we lived in southern Germany, namely in Munich, Erding and in Niederalteich.

Ausserdem besuche ich ziemlich oft mit einer GAPP-Gruppe unsere Partnerschulen in Stadthagen/Bueckeburg (in Niedersachsen).
Das letzte Mal fuhr ich im Sommer 2003 mit einer Schuelergruppe nach Norddeutschland.
We also have a number of friends in northern Germany in the towns of Bueckeburg and Stadthagen that we frequently visit with ur GAPP groups

Natuerlich wuerden wir uns auch freuen von den Freunden auch in Norddeutschland mal was zu hoeren. Of course we'd be thrilled to hear from any of our friends in northern Germany!

The description of my page is:

Lower Family information

Email me at lower52245@netzero.com

In the meantime, send me a e-mail that you have found my site and send me a link to yours. In the coming months I will be posting pictures of us all and further links of interest to German teachers in the USA. Feel free to contact me with links you have found useful. (click to link below).

Please come back soon and visit me.

Links to Janet Caldwell's 50th Birthday Party

Janet Caldwell's Birthday Pictures Homepage

Links to pictures posted 7/27/02 on the Web

Sunset on the River

Donald and Johanna on Deck

Donald and Jennifer

Donald on the Deck

Dorothy on Fiddicks' Deck

Dorothy and Nancy on the Deck

Nancy and Dorothy

Jacob on the Deck

Jennifer and Johanna on the Deck

Jacob with Broom

Johanna on her Trike

Katherine and Jeff in Cedar Falls house

Katherine and Jeff

Links to pictures of Katherine's Wedding on the Web

Katherine And Jeff's Wedding Pictures Homepage


© 2003 lower52245@netzero.com


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