My Daughter

Kelcie Dawn

The day she was born

Kelcie Dawn was born on October 8, 1998 at 5:48 P.M. She weighed 6lbs. 6oz. and was 19" in length.
I came up with the name Kelcie Dawn, I wanted something different, and have not heard of
many Kelcie's, especially with this spelling. I got the middle name "Dawn" from my Grandfather,
Don. The last conversation I had with my Grandpa was to tell him we were going to have another baby,
he died the next day, after a "routine" heart operation. So, from that day on, I knew the child
would carry the middle name "Donald," or "Dawn," depending on gender. I hope my Grandpa can see her,
as I know he would be crying great tears of happiness, as Kelcie is the first girl born into the paternal
side of the family in ALMOST 42 years! (Sorry Bonnie, can't lie about your age anymore!)

Below, Kelcie had her first professional pictures taken. These are only proofs, so
they're not the best quality. Kelcie is almost 4 months old in these two pictures.

Me and my baby after
mine and Tricia's wedding.
Am I going to be in trouble when
she hits her teens, or what?
Age 2
Age 2
Age 3
Age 3
More to come soon!
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