Mary Grace Stefanchik
Better Resume Page
To the left is a beautiful picture of Captain Jack Lukey taken at Epcot, May 2008. Below is is the 2005 Xmas Photo of the two most handsome boys.  The picture on the right of TJ the Peanut is from summer 2001. 
My Photo Album
Above is a picture of Tom and me taken at Epcot in Florida for the millennium wall (November 2000).
To the right  is the first holiday photo of our two beautiful boys in 2002.  Luke John  was born 11/14/02 and was a whoppin' 8 lbs. 12 oz.  TJ (Thomas James II) was born on March 16, 2000 at 3:09 PM.  He was 7 lbs., 3 oz. and 20 inches.

I have six wonderful nephews: Michael John, Fredric, Thomas, Zachary, and Michael Alexander; and one niece, Samantha (at last a girl!).   The picture on the right is Luke at  Michael's confirmation party  on June 6, 2003.  He looks just like his Grandpa John here.
" . . . something's lost, but something's gained, in living everyday. . ."
     --from the song,
Both Sides Now, words by Joni Mitchell, recorded by Judy Collins.