I first thought of this site while talking with several of my customers who found it more conveniant to do most of their car shopping on line. I thought I could help by meeting them in the middle if you will. There is so much information out here, it can drive ya nuts! I'm here to help you to sort it all out. I will be adding new links on a regular basis, so visit as often as you like.

For those of you who do not know me yet, I first joined the automotive field in 1993, and have experiance in selling over 10 major car lines. I have received many awards both from my customers, as well as several manufacturers. I currently sell Ford cars, and trucks, and have the ability to also offer Mercury, Jeep, Kia, and VW. Please check out each of these brands in my

I felt it was only right to offer special recognition to a few people who have made the last few years so much fun, my customers, and in many cases my friends. Thanks to all of you! I have set up an e-mail for all of my freinds to keep in touch with me. (Hay guys make sure your name is on that list, and let me know if you did or did not find yours)

I have added a lot of information to ths site over the last few months, all of this information is yours for the taking. One thing you may notice, is that most of the information is from a sales persons perspective, sorry it is my job. I think this approch is much better then the ex-car guy who wants to wage war on the system. I feel there are good and bad people, and they can be sales people , and customers. Weather you are trying to understand leasing for the first time, or you just want to understand what that guy at the Chevy store was talkin' about when he kept talking about your trade's ACV. The info is here for you, and I hope it is helpfull.

FORD QUALITY CARS........ESCORT.......ZX-2........CONTOUR........TAURUS. .......MUSTANG........CROWN VIC........AND TRUCKS........RANGER........F-SIERES........EXPLORER....... .EXPEDITION........WINDSTAR........JEEP........WRANGLER.... ....CHAROKEE........GRAND CHAROKEE........VW........JETTA........GOLF........CABRIO.. ......BEETLE........PASSAT........KIA........

I made my start at a family owned Linclon/Mercury dealer, moved on to sell such brands as Jeep, Mazda,Nissan, Olds, and Dodge. I held certifications for each line, and still hold sevral.

After keeping pace with the top 20% of Mazda's sales force, I was recognized by Mazda as one of their top 50 sales people in North America in customer satisfaction. Now working for the Clarke automotive group, my focus is on Ford, as well as Jeep, VW, Kia, and of course used cars and trucks. Please E-Mail any commentes to the address at the below, if you have had a good sales expieriance with me, I'll be happy to post it. Thank you!

Brian Miller

© 1997 brimil @webtv.net

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