We were both a little doubtful when we peered into the darkened houseboat at 8:30 in the evening. Our fears were quickly allayed once the calm of daylight prevailed, and we were able to see just how well-propped was this elegant feat of nautical engineering. This sucker is ready for Fastnet Rock at the next high tide--but keep the door shut in rough weather, just in case.

"Hmm," says the Debster. "Didn't we just eat breakfast? And is that really lobster on the menu again?"

It was! Plus macaroni and cheese and corn! "Would you like a piece of blueberry cake?" "Why yes, thank you." So much food, you can almost forget how cold the water is.

The Debster in her natural state: Old Navy cardigan, Maine hat, Kate Spade purse, Gap "skort" and shirt, CK sunglasses. But fish just can't resist Rite-Aid's Day-Glo fishing pole and shiny lure.

See? Holy mackerel! And we only lost seven lures!

Lobster pot by Ralph Lauren. Yacht by O'Day. Mainsheet by Grover's Hardware. Hat by Rite-Aid. PFD by KMart. Grin by Linekin.