You and me will all go down in history,
With a sad Statue of Liberty,
And a Generation that didn't agree

System Of a Down
Very little sun is what explains Russian history.
Very long nights is what defines the Russian soul.
This page represents some of my attempts at creativity. Poetry published on this page is a reflection of some of my experiences and states of mind. Outside of that this project is simply a way to let me mess around with the web.  All comments should be directed to the message board at the bottom of the page.
You can also check my profile on  Click here
Poems written by me:

Thoughts at dawn

For Anne

A Rhyme
LIRR nightmare.
Su-37 videos
N0cturnal Labs

Easter Egg Archives

Let's Go Yankees!!!

Linux Website

Terra Server

For Stefan
My picture My pic 2
Email me your comments.