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Tooth.gif (1016 bytes)Photography

Memorial to Chad

This picture was taken at second reunion.

One of the few times we marched . . . most of the time we ran.

Training! That's what they called it.

Group deployed to secure crash site

Booth and me at first reunion. Booth is career Special Forces and is currently Commander of Special Forces Southeast Asian Theater Bangkok, Thailand 

 Training was an important part of the mission and we got plenty of that.

 . . . and more training.

 Exum doing one of the many things he did best . . . . ambush. I might also add that he is quite handy with explosives.

 Exum is a bit older and a bit heavier but he's just as handsome and daring. Yost is best remembered for starting fires, fire-fights, and causing us to run for hours.

The Triad !

Always thinking of some way to get in trouble.

    . . . and 20+ years later they pose for the same famous photo taken in their youth

 Group shot at reunion

 We never considered this as training . . . we thoughts of this as fun, never passing up a chance to jump rope.

As previously stated, I will be changing the Photo Page as well as Travel and Surgery Pages from time to time. Hope you return at a later date because I will be showing pictures from countries all over the world. As a "heads up" my plans are to do this no less than once a month.

Dr. Harold Wingo
Schweinfurt, Germany


Memories of Yesterday & Pictures of Today
How things change!


Left: Sam Williams      Next: Harold Wingo

Me 28 years later at reunion.

Road March

Gene Elmore, Ralph Jones, Harold Wingo, Sam Williams

Group at crash site
Middle Lance Booth, to his left Sam Williams,
and immediately to Sam's left Glen Exum

(Left to Right)
Harold Wingo  Lance Booth

Crossing on rope

Slide For Life

Glenn Exum

Exum background; Jim Yost toward front

(Left to Right)
Rudy McCormick, Paul Sargent, Dave Padgett

(Left to Right)
Rudy McCormick, Paul Sargent, Dave Padgett

Group at second reunion (Left to Right)
Bottom: Williams, Yost, Wingo, (unidentified) Sargent
2nd row: (unidentified) Padgett, McCormick
3rd row: (unidentified) Deavers, Hiter, (unidentified)
4th row: Exum, (unidentified)

One of the things we loved to do

Exum with tools of his trade


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Dr. Harold H. Wingo

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