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Site Features

Tooth.gif (1016 bytes)Wingo Bio

Tooth.gif (1016 bytes)Alaska *NEW*

Tooth.gif (1016 bytes)Bavaria

Tooth.gif (1016 bytes)Russia

Tooth.gif (1016 bytes)South America

Tooth.gif (1016 bytes)Dental Surgery

Tooth.gif (1016 bytes)Special Forces Reunion

Tooth.gif (1016 bytes)Photography *NEW*

Memorial to Chad

The Expat Dentist

We the willing
lead by the unknowing
did the impossible
for the ungrateful.
We have done so much
for so long and with so little
we are qualified to do anything
with nothing.

    Hello from Germany! I am an American dentist working for the US   ARMY in Schweinfurt, Germany and I love to travel. I have spent a  great deal of time in Africa, the Middle East, of course Europe, and South East Asia. As an Expat, I will work in any country so if you are searching for a skilled Dental Surgeon that has worked under stringent, harsh, and demanding conditions, from jungles to deserts, then contact me at  the following address:

   This site is new and my desire is to provide a dynamic environment whereby one can view my latest travels and my most recent, interesting surgical or clinical cases. Please take the time to look through my Web Site. You will find pictures from various countries where I have lived, worked and visited. 
       In closing, one has contributed greatly helping me get this site on-line and should not go unrecognized. Many thanks to Linda Lyon for taking the time to tutor me. Had it not been for Linda my modest site would be nonexistent. Thanks again for all your help. 

Dr. Harold H. Wingo
Schweinfurt, Deutschland

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Dr. Harold H. Wingo

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The Expat Dentist    All Rights Reserved