WWF Want List
Country Year Scott # Description
Algeria 1988 872-5 Barbary Macaque, 4 De Luxe sheets
Anguilla 1983 537-40 Sea Turtle, 4 sheetlets of 20
Barbuda 1987 857,59,61-2 Antigua Fishes, Overprinted Barbuda Mail
Belize 1983 689-92 Jaguar, Imperforated
Benin 1989 657-60 Roseate Tern, Imperforated
Benin   657-60 Roseate Tern, 4 De Luxe sheets
Botswana 1977 182-6 Various Animal
Cameroon 1988 843-6 Drill, Imperforated
Cameroon   843-6 Drill, 4 De Luxe sheets
Chad 1979 367-72 Various Animal, 6 De Luxe Shets
Chad 1988 574-7 Barbary Sheep, 4 De Luxe sheets
Chile 1981 623a-b Scout Movement, 2 values
Côte d'Ivoire 1979 528-33 Various Animal, 6 De Luxe Shets
Côte d'Ivoire 1985 764-7 Zebra Duiker, Imperforated
Cuba 1992 3428-31 Bee Hummingbirds, Imperforated
Ecuador 1992 1281--2,84,86 Galapagos Wildlife Booklets
Falkland Islands 1991 535-8 King penguin
France 1969 1257 Mouflon, imperforated
France   1257 Mouflon, De Luxe sheets
Gabon 1988 634-7 Forest Elephant, imperforated
Gambia 1976 341-44 Mammals, Abuko I
Gambia   341-44A Mammals, Abuko I, souvenir sheet
Gambia 1978 381-4 Birds, Abuko II
Gambia 1980 404-7 Butterflies, Abuko III
Gambia   404-7A Butterflies, Abuko III, souvenir sheet
Gambia 1981 432-3 Reptiles, Abuko IV
Ghana 1977 621-4 Wildlife, 4 De Luxe Sheets
Guyana 1990 2666-9 Harpy Eagle
Jamaica 1984 591-4 Jamaican Boa
Jersey 1989 507-10 Jersey Wildlife, 4 sheetlets of 20
Lesotho 1977 228-32 Various Animal
Lesotho 1981 351-5 Endangered Wildlife, 5 sheetlets of 12
Malawi 1978 319-22 Various Animal
Malawi   322A Various Animal, Souvenir sheet
Malawi 1987 494-7 Wattled Crane, reprint different watermark
Mali 1986 542-5 Western Giant Eland, imperforated
Mauritania 1986 597-600 Monk Seal, 4 sheetlets of 20
Mauritania   596-600 Monk Seal, 4 sheetlets of 20 imperforated
Mauritius 1978 472A Various Animal, Souvenir sheet
Norfolk Isl. 1987 421a-d Green Parrot
Norfolk Isl.   421a-d Green Parrot, imperforated
North Korea 1987   Mandarin Duck, imperforated
Samoa 1978 470-1 Turtles
Suriname 1986 743-6 Orchids
Swaziland 1982 405A-E Pel's Fishing Owl
Uganda 1983   African Elephant, 1 value 10 sh, new printing
USSR 1987 5541-4 Polar Bear, 4 sheetlets of 8
Zaire 1984 1168-71 Okapi, 4 De Luxe Sheets
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