WMA Stamps Logo
Indonesia Stamps Source for Collector and Dealers
Indonesia Stamps
Topical Stamps
WWF Stamps
Payment Methods and Postage Required
Philatelic Links

Mail Address: Jl. Cempaka No. 74A/126D, Bandung 40274  -  Indonesia
Phone (+62) 22.7316492

We supplies : 1. Indonesia new & old stamps issue, Souvenir Sheet, FDC's with topical cancellation, aerogramme, postal stationery at a very competitive price. 2. WWF Stamp Issues. 3. Postal Bid Sales available, ask for free copy. 4. We always buying Indonesia and WWF stamps in good material, please check our Indonesia stamps, and WWF stamps Want list. If you have material listed, e-mail us for your best offer.

Dealers and collectors are welcome.
Further information, please contact : WMA Stamps

Last updated: © 1998-2001 WMA Stamps
Web designed by: Dani Yusdiar