Dwayne Latimer - 10/01/00 19:48:17
My URL:http://dmlelectronics.homestead.com/dmlelectronics.html
My Email:DML43@homestead.com
Great job on your first website.I enjoyed my visit to your site and hope you get the opportunity to visit my site listed in the above information. Thank you, Dwayne Latimer.
Millenium Man 2 - 08/06/00 23:20:03
My Email:you know it
Referred by: Marsha K
From: New York
Occupation: IT Security Analyst
Favorite thing to do: stopping web attacks
Hi Dave. This is the first time I have seen this Geocities website of yours. Looks great. I saw your wife's web page on geo, nice name, businessladyceo. She says you guys are in a bit of a financial bind and asking for donations to get you a van and out o
the house. Did you know about it, hehehehe. I sent her a donation, man hope you get out soon and when you do come to New York and visit. Thanks for all your help, now it was my turn and hope others do the same. Help that little lady of yours with her web
ite. Later, MM2
Don Shelton - 08/06/00 20:51:58
My URL:http://www.sheltonenterprizes.bigstep.com
My Email:mrbondo@arkansas.net
Referred by: CyberspaceDave
From: Hope, AR
Occupation: Manager
Favorite thing to do: surf the net
ICQ#: 56979453
I think your site looks great. Come visit mine when you can. Hope you get your van with a wheelchair lift real soon. You have been home tooooo long.
Tony - 07/06/00 11:27:11
My URL:http://www.tonys.8k.com/aff.html
Referred by: just surfin around
From: Arkansas
Occupation: what is this thing occupation?
Favorite thing to do: Help people
Hi, cool place you got here.
lbacel - 05/12/00 12:37:38
My URL:/hl_enterprises
My Email:hlenterprise@yahoo.com
Occupation: self employed
Favorite thing to do: relaxe with my family
ICQ#: 677020225
Loved your site it was extremely informative. I also have a personal web site at www.geocities.com/loris_place_2000 Feel free to visit them both.
Warlock - 05/06/00 16:14:27
My URL:/warlocksloc
My Email:glock33@hotmail.com
From: Australia
Occupation: Military
Hi just stumbling around the web, and fell in to your site, and I must say I'm very impressed with your site. It is very informative with great contents. So if your bored some time, please stop by my home a
d have a browse, but please dont forget to leave your mark and sign my guestbook.
Lori - 04/18/00 22:10:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hl_enterprises
My Email:lbacel@yahoo.com
I am just looking through the neighborhood looking for ideas for my own web page.
Gary - 04/16/00 05:53:00
My URL:http://www.skyfamily.com/wanbon/home.html
My Email:gwanbon@hotmail.com
Referred by: geocities
From: Canada
Occupation: Lab Tech
Favorite thing to do: hiking
Your webpage is nice but it's hard to read font.
If change the color 's background , it'd be better, i think.
Anyhow, it's quite cool!!
Becky Oertel - 04/08/00 22:31:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/the_beckster23
My Email:oertelb@commplusis.net
Referred by: geocities
From: Stratford, Wi
Occupation: Office Clerk
Favorite thing to do: play fetch with my dog Herman
You have a great webpage. I checked out some of your links...That watermelon celebration sounds like some good down to earth fun...and it happens around my birthday (Aug 13th).
Sean - 03/26/00 18:07:15
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/festerq/start.html
Occupation: Social Worker
Nice page. Sorry, but it wont make worst of the web.
abood - 03/09/00 08:19:57
My URL:http://mastercafe.8m.com
My Email:webz22@hotmail.com
Occupation: college student
u r cute :)
i wounder where from i can get this music , which u put in ur site .
nice page .. but not like mine ];
Kerry Edwards - 02/11/00 01:26:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/biz5/cca2210
My Email:mred1999@angelfire.com
Referred by: Just surfing
From: Concord, NH
Occupation: Electronic Technication
Favorite thing to do: Computers
really nice site Dave. Was just surfing and checking out different pages and getting some ideas for a make over on my site
Bruno Tremblay - 02/04/00 14:12:08
My URL:http://www.geocities/editions_odyssey
My Email:editions_odyssey@videotron.ca
Occupation: Director
Favorite thing to do: Trout fishing
Well done Dave, it's a very interesting page and usefull link.
Marion - 02/04/00 00:10:49
My URL:www.pcpainrelief.com
My Email:pcpainrelief@att.net
Referred by: surfing the net
From: ..........
Occupation: computer consultant
Favorite thing to do: computers & playing my bass
Loved your name and friendly approach! I'm making sure I sign your guestbook because I get ticked when people don't sign mine!!! :-) From one techie to another.
Gretchen - 02/01/00 16:38:05
My Email:Wulfnround@aol.com
Referred by: ms/harps
Favorite thing to do: music
I emailed about 3 diff places about MS & harps, and wow, the only actual real person (not publication or organization) actually HAS one, how COOL is that, talk to you soon.
- 01/16/00 09:41:43
My Email:Celdar@aol.com
Favorite thing to do: Read
I enjoyed your home page. I love the satin. Enjoyed the stories. I was very amused about Hope Arkansas since my Dad was born in Hope. Good luck
and God Bless.
- 01/05/00 06:40:28
Jan Minks - 12/25/99 01:14:51
My URL:http://geocities.com/mutt14_1999/Jems.html
My Email:mutt14@missvalley.com
Occupation: LPN
ICQ#: 54432778
I was wanting to know if you could help me on my web page please. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jan
peg - 12/21/99 15:52:02
My Email:f16peg@earthlink.net
Referred by: alan fisher
Very nice job... hope to do a web page/home page of my own some day ... ~_~ ... what a wonderful thing this whole internet/cyber world is ... i am constantly amazed and amused .. ~_~
Libby Puskas - 11/23/99 15:35:16
My Email:jixilib@collegeclub.com
Occupation: student
Favorite thing to do: ??
Tessa - 10/12/99 02:19:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/PicketFence/7105/index.html
My Email:tessa@itol.com
Referred by: Vlad...LOL
Occupation: Baker
Favorite thing to do: too many to tell.
ICQ#: 4162065
Cool site!! Love it, I'm gonna come back often...You are a great guy. And a real hoot in chats. Hope we can remain friends forever. Blah blah blah.(fang thing) I'm gonna cruise some more through your page, talk to you soon.
Friends forever,
Teresa *Tessa*
Elvis - 10/04/99 02:37:33
My URL:http://www.TheKing.,com
My Email:elvis@returntosender.com
Referred by: Our Friends
From: It's a Secret
Occupation: Singer/Songwriter
Favorite thing to do: dream
Good looking page CyberDave. You can make one for me some day. Take care and keep dreaming.
Purple Toothbrush Brigade - 08/09/99 00:24:28
My URL:/Paris/2472
![]() |
Yes we Do We got the Spirit How about You? Paris
Hi! Dave,
Just to drop by looking for some friends with good values and have entreprenuer spirit.
I have family site at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/9811
and a business site at http://www.gneworld.com
Looking forward meeting you there.
Stephen Tong
Arkansas Web Ring - 07/24/99 17:01:40
My URL:/RainForest/Andes/3133/ark.html
My Email:arkansasweb@yahoo.com
Referred by: dropin
From: Arkansas
Cybil - 06/22/99 13:45:13
My URL:http://geocities.com/paris/arc/7308
My Email:scribs_hill@yahoo.com
Occupation: 9th grade student
Favorite thing to do: Write/read poetry
ICQ#: 35159138
Your page is very informative and very interesting. Keep up the good work!! Good luck!
Linda - 06/05/99 20:50:52
My URL:http://members.aol.com/justyou52/woodenpersonalizedchristmastreesfireplacessantas.htm
My Email:lllear
Referred by: surfing jeeves
From: Ms.
Favorite thing to do: playing on the computer
Enjoyed your site. Great choice of music for your page. Nobody does it better is one of my all time favorites. I am new at desinging a page but it sure was fun. Spent weeks on this one and just redid it. I registered a domain name and don't know how to p
blish my site to it. I think I have to have a web host. Can you tell me of a good one. There are so many.
Thank you and again I enjoyed your site
theerapong - 06/01/99 08:54:47
My Email:tjinasen@hotmail.com
From: thailand
Occupation: Nursing Instructor
Favorite thing to do: reading
Dear Mr.David
thank you for your kindness to help me how to building my homepage.
I wold like to make my homepage and "moved in" as soon. I agree.
Theerapong jinasen
theerapong - 06/01/99 08:53:43
My Email:tjinasen@hotmail.com
From: thailand
Occupation: Nursing Instructor
Favorite thing to do: reading
Dear Mr.David
thank you for your kindness to help me how to building my homepage.
I wold like to make my homepage and "moved in" as soon. I agree.
Theerapong jinasen
Rick Mannhalter - 06/01/99 04:23:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Suite/1872/
My Email:rickmann@napanet.net
Referred by: cyberdave
From: geocities
Occupation: business man
Favorite thing to do: what I'm doing right now!
Dave: nice site thanks for the e-mail. I like the
satin background cool. My site is new and I'd like
to add a few more things to it like one of these
guest books. Did you see my page?
I'll see you later:)
KatLuv - 05/25/99 07:19:06
My URL:http://geocities.com/paris/rue/1124/katluv.html
My Email:kat_luv@hotmail.com
Favorite thing to do: Artistic endeavors
Hi Dave :o)
Your friendly AW community nut here hehe.. Just dropping a note to say, great page!! See you soon in AW :o)
JoAnn aka joanagan - 05/17/99 02:52:05
My Email:pineline@ipa.net
Referred by: The Man
From: Arkansas
Occupation: sales
Favorite thing to do: read and netsurf
WOW, not a page you rush through. Been "linking" for 45 minutes and only half through. Very inspiring and impressive. See ya,
phonedoctor - 05/07/99 23:10:38
My URL:http://geocities.com/eureka/vault/6216/
My Email:robrt.vazquez@attworldnet.attnet
Occupation: computer operations
Favorite thing to do: readd books
you have a conservative home page, but i like it.
Kyle Xie - 05/07/99 03:28:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Vault/5922/index.html
My Email:kylexie@hotmail.com
Referred by: your mail
From: Singapore
Occupation: Engineer
Favorite thing to do: travelling
thanks for your mail, a lot of things to learn from you.
Tracie Horneman - 03/23/99 19:19:06
My Email:aannette@arkansas.net
Referred by: Angela
Occupation: cashier
Favorite thing to do: drive people totally nuts.
cool page, good music!!!!!!
Angela Leslie - 03/19/99 01:56:13
My Email:aannette@arkansas.net
Referred by: your wonderful daughter
From: your other daughter
Occupation: cleanning acrobat
Favorite thing to do: dust,mop and anything your wife tells me to
great site. very creative. keep up the good work you think i can get a raise for talking so nice. hahahaha seriously---it was good
Angela - 03/19/99 01:13:15
My Email:aannette@arkansas.net
Referred by: who else
Occupation: i work for you remember
Favorite thing to do: clean hahahahhahahha
ICQ#: don't remember
very nice!!
ann - 03/18/99 16:59:09
Occupation: Operation Analyst
Favorite thing to do: working - relaxing
bunglebug - 03/18/99 15:12:22
My Email:lerdmann@btigate.com
Referred by: Malestrom's guest book
From: North Dakota
Favorite thing to do: computers and meeting other ms'ers
ICQ#: 11185195
Love your site especially the info on MS.
Shanana - The Colclough - 03/16/99 21:55:56
My URL:/Eureka/Park/2285/
My Email:colclough@geocities.com
Referred by: Dave himself!
From: Edmonton - Canada
Occupation: desktop/web publisher
Favorite thing to do: stay up late nights on the Internet
ICQ#: 2663340
Nice page Dave - glad to see you seeking your genealogy, it worked for me.... so I'm wishing you the best of luck and successful results.
gary loker - 03/15/99 01:42:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/eureka/boardroom/2471/
My Email:cybercowboy@accglobal.net
Referred by: Geo~cities
From: Montreal
Occupation: House Renovation
Favorite thing to do: computers, photography, travel..
ICQ#: 33073309
Hi dave, a good site.. I will now check out your links, some of them look real interesting. Gary loker.
Jeff Baechle - 03/09/99 16:01:35
My Email:Jbbaechle@aol.com
Referred by: CyberDave
Occupation: Insurance
Favorite thing to do: Play w/my son!
Go Cowboys!
Debbie Shirah - 03/08/99 18:23:00
My Email:Deblou@arkansas.net
Referred by: You
Hey guy, I'm at school thought I'd say Hi, Debbie S.
JeanCarl - 03/03/99 06:00:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Concourse/2783
My Email:scarevil@geocities.com
Referred by: You Told Me
From: California
Occupation: Student
Favorite thing to do: GO ONLINE!!!!
ICQ#: 25487775
Very Nice Website. Check Out My Website. See You Later.
Shanana - 03/01/99 21:53:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Park/2285/
My Email:colclough@geocities.com
Referred by: Thru Database ;^)
From: Canada
Occupation: Desktop/Web Publisher
Favorite thing to do: sit on my computer all day!
Nice page, Dave! Guessed it was about time I came and had a look! Good work for a first page! BTW - with the theme from The Spy Who Loved Me, I'm guessing you're a James Bond fan... am I right?
Shanana - 03/01/99 21:53:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Park/2285/
My Email:colclough@geocities.com
Referred by: Thru Database ;^)
From: Canada
Occupation: Desktop/Web Publisher
Favorite thing to do: sit on my computer all day!
Nice page, Dave! Guessed it was about time I came and had a look! Good work for a first page! BTW - with the theme from The Spy Who Loved Me, I'm guessing you're a James Bind fan... am I right?
Chris Lavender - 02/22/99 00:38:51
My URL:http://www.crisinc.com
My Email:crisinc@preferred.com
Referred by: Well, you actually
From: Jonesborough, Tennessee
Occupation: Computer Consultant
Favorite thing to do: This very thing... computing, that is...
ICQ#: 1171600
Hey Dave, good job... lots of great links! love the watermelon festival!!! Come by and visit my site when you get a chance! I look forward to visiting you again soon...
Cin - 02/20/99 05:43:02
My URL:/~cinswish
My Email:cin_ram@hotmail.com
Referred by: You
From: Cajun Country Louisiana
Occupation: professional aggrivator
Favorite thing to do: You know that already
ICQ#: You already know that too
Just saying hi Love *kisses*
LaLa - 02/01/99 23:22:25
My URL:http://come.to/lalaspages
My Email:ItizLaLa@aol.com
From: L.A., CA
Occupation: physician
Favorite thing to do: program
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Thanks for the e-mail. Did you get mine? Great Web Site!
Billy zzzzzzzz - 01/16/99 04:24:00
My Email:crawford@erie.net
Referred by: cyberspaceDave
Occupation: fixer/consultant
Favorite thing to do: computer play
ICQ#: 318991
Always good to see and hear from you Dave ¦-]
Like the page!
Missy Wallace - 01/16/99 03:33:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Boardroom/7231/
My Email:palamino@lcc.net
Referred by: you
From: Texas
Occupation: home business owner
Favorite thing to do: ride horses, listen to country music
ICQ#: 11656621
Kamere - 01/10/99 02:20:19
My Email:Kamere@usa.net
From: UK
Favorite thing to do: Cook, read
Nice dave.
See you around.
Cin - 01/10/99 02:16:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~cinswish
My Email:cin_ram@hotmail.com
Referred by: You
From: Cajun Country
Occupation: Housewife
Favorite thing to do: Surf of course
ICQ#: 19174204
Cool page Dave! See ya in the Cape!
Lori - 12/09/98 01:41:34
My Email:upriver@inreach.com
Referred by: Cyberdave
Occupation: Dental Lab Technician
Favorite thing to do: Ski
ICQ#: I forgot!!!!!!!
Nice web page Dave. You seem to be a worldly man with a lot of interests. You have a very informational web page.
Lori A.K.A Cyborgirl
Keressa - 12/08/98 19:13:07
My Email:sylke_32@yahoo.com
Referred by: Dave
From: Canada
Occupation: Inspector
Favorite thing to do: Read
ICQ#: you already know it Dave
Well looked it over Dave bookmarked it can use those links to the windows and PC mags. Congrats again on becoming CL just a matter of time before you are CM I guess. See you in chat or on ICQ.
aussiekate - 12/08/98 05:59:06
Referred by: you!
From: ?notsure!
Occupation: nurse
Favorite thing to do: chat to ya dave!
ICQ#: ill tell ya if u buzz me!
real good dave!ill keep reading,,,,,,,
Albi - 12/07/98 02:03:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/PicketFence/3124
My Email:albiaice@nycap.rr.com
Occupation: Environmental Engineer
Favorite thing to do: Spend time with my family
ICQ#: 22261752
Kewl site, as my teenage daughter says. I'll be talking to you about puters, I assume!
Galen Massey - 12/06/98 19:51:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Chamber/4903
My Email:Blackthorn3@hotmail.com
Referred by: Dave himself
From: White Panther
Occupation: Nothing to lazy to work
Favorite thing to do: computers and animals
ICQ#: 17244969
hey dave very good I'm green with envy. I still need some more tutoring i intend to work your site into mine next weekend
Lenda - 12/04/98 18:54:57
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Kiwi13/index.html
My Email:kiwiarkansas@iname.com
Referred by: self(heheeh)
From: Cape Room
Occupation: dispacher
Favorite thing to do: Photography
hey Dave
nice page .. just thought i would check it out nice to see a fella Razorback Fan online ....LOl
Kiwi Arkansas
Phyllis - 11/24/98 21:22:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~pcp
My Email:pcp@geocities.REMOVEcom
Referred by: Dave
From: OH via CA and PA
Occupation: neurobiologist
Favorite thing to do: cook, craft, create
Great site ... nice set of diverse pages. So, when you gonna build *my* new computer? *smile* Great talking to you as always.
"CoffeeDarling"...Peggy - 11/19/98 09:03:41
My URL:http:// smiles... well give me a minute and I will make one ...lol
My Email:coffeedarling@hotmail.com
Referred by: A good looking guy I meet in AW :) hehe
From: hmmmm, well CA, then NC, now SC... :)
Occupation: hmmm ,, thinking ... smiles, I guess just being me :)
Favorite thing to do: Looking for Happiness...
ICQ#: 19296038...Java
DAVE ! Didnt know you were so creative ... really nice site and the info... well all I can say is , " I Will Be Back "... and tell your better half that I am a short girl too :))))) laughing, she and I could be sisters... and geeeesh! too old , I
m .. to wear the 3 inch heels anymore :( soooooooooooo.. anyways, you have a great page(s)... and it makes me want to do one too :)... as for the Harp :)))))))) I am still waiting for my tape .. hehe Take care Sir... Friend, to many.... and a perso
with a Big Heart :) Love ya !!!! CD
"CoffeeDarling"...Peggy - 11/19/98 09:02:25
My URL:http:// smiles... well give me a minute and I will make one ...lol
My Email:coffeedarling@hotmail.com
Referred by: A good looking guy I meet in AW :) hehe
From: hmmmm, well CA, then NC, now SC... :)
Occupation: hmmm ,, thinking ... smiles, I guess just being me :)
Favorite thing to do: Looking for Happiness...
ICQ#: 19296038...Java
DAVE ! Didnt know you were so creative ... really nice site and athe info... well all I can say is , " I Will Be Back "... and tell your better half that I am a short girl too :))))) laughing, cause she and I could be sisters... and geeeesh! too
old , I am .. to wear the 3 inch heels anymore :( soooooooooooo.. anyways, you have a great page(s)... and it makes me want to do one too :)... as for the Harp :)))))))) I am satill waiting for my tape .. hehe Take care Sir... Friend, too many....
nd a person with a Big Heart :) Love ya !!!! CD
Babistar - 11/07/98 01:45:09
My URL:/Hollywood/Hills/4289/planetoftheapes.html
Favorite thing to do: count sheep
bonsoir Dave, merci de m'avoir si bien accueillie, sur ta page, sur ICQ, et sur AW...
j'ai été ravie de faire plus ample connaissance par le biai de cette page *smiles*
à bientôt j'espère...
Helen aka candy4820 - 10/28/98 22:56:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/yosemite/forest/2640
My Email:flossmeister@digitalexp.com
Referred by: just surfed in
From: Fl.
Occupation: Retired
Favorite thing to do: make web pages and relax by the campfire,with a cup of cowboy coffee!
Love your p. web pages. Please come visit mine.
1debby CML - 10/28/98 07:48:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~dece/thewall
My Email:debbyc@hotmail.com
Occupation: CL/CML in geocities Cape
Favorite thing to do: Chat
hi just wanted to say hi and thank you for coming to Cape to chat was nice to see someone talking some good chat about information for a change rather than the standard hi howdee doo stuff
take care and hope you join us again...debby
John F. Ballem - 10/27/98 14:03:49
My URL:/Eureka/1334
My Email:positive.images@home.com
Referred by: Geocities' Community Leader listing
From: Canada
Occupation: Webdesign
Favorite thing to do: Surf the web
Please drop by and review my site.
- 10/25/98 06:32:36
Sharon - 10/25/98 06:32:30
My URL:http://www.hotyellow98.com/smichelleg/index.html
Referred by: Marlii's Maelstrom
From: Pennsylvania
Occupation: Variety store clerk
Favorite thing to do: crossword pzzles and surfing the web
WOW! I've added you to my "Favorites" list, so I can come back and check out more. I just started on my first page, but as of yet, I have no reason for it; I guess it's practice. I will keep up on your progress, (if possible!), to inspire me to find a
direction, and help me when I do. In the meantime, I'm sure I will find much of interest. God has given you the will to keep your sense of humor through your physical problems. Keep smiling: It's contagious! =)
marlii - 10/21/98 00:48:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/7750/index.html
My Email:marlii@hotmail.com
Referred by: you
From: my guestbook
Thanks so much for signing my guest book, and leaving the link to your page. I just got here - wanted to sign the guest book before I forgot!
Ennes - 10/10/98 04:43:33
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Otownearly/index.htmlhttp://
My Email:colletta@hotmail.com
ICQ#: 1362173
Great page ..cyber Dave...visit my page also..& sign please..:)
Sharon Purvis - 10/07/98 13:27:39
My Email:spurvis@pattersonsmith.com
Referred by: You!
Great job David & Sharon!
Fred - 10/03/98 06:52:47
My URL:http://http://hometown.aol.com/memberFrameset.adp?authC=1&sessionId=906912119%2e121715&member=lf480&page=page1%2e
My Email:Ribbet57@hotmail.com
Referred by: You
From: You
Occupation: Trucker
Favorite thing to do: Computers
ICQ#: 16812759
From The world famous Louisiana Frog
Steller - 10/03/98 02:48:34
My URL:http://steller.nova.org/
My Email:steller2theflowerbed
Favorite thing to do: build in activeworlds@com
ICQ#: 799648
Hey Dave cutie pie *pinching your cheeks* nice page dear =0)) Thanks for being my friend for so long! See you in Worlds....*flowerhugs*
Diana - 10/02/98 18:05:34
My Email:dianam463@aol.com
Referred by: nuccia
From: link on page
Occupation: computer consultant
Favorite thing to do: depends on my mood
ICQ#: aol im: dianam463
Good page - just browsing around instead of working
Matches - 10/01/98 18:59:58
My Email:matches30@hotmail.com
Referred by: Dave
Favorite thing to do: Surf
ICQ#: 194703
AWESOME page!!! I'LL be back :)
Bill - 09/30/98 00:54:05
From: Washington, DC
Favorite thing to do: Travel
Great looking site Dave. You add credibility to the internet. Great work. Keep it up.
Nancy - 09/07/98 03:19:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/8486
My Email:MNOS@aol.com
Donny (Kayaman) - 09/06/98 22:57:14
Referred by: you
From: California
Occupation: Navy
Favorite thing to do: falling
ICQ#: will give you later
I like your first attempt at a web page, it looks better than more experienced ppl's pages. Will come back to see more aw pics.
sandy - 08/18/98 02:02:12
Referred by: dave himself
Occupation: loafer
Favorite thing to do: camping???
Gee Dave... your page is great.. I really like the
info. on MS. and melaleuka..
Nuccia - 08/07/98 12:28:22
My Email:nardagna@insight.com
Sorry, I had given you the wrong email address. Sorry
Nuccia - 08/07/98 12:22:18
My Email:nuccia@insight.com
Occupation: TV journalist/model
Favorite thing to do: Relax!
Great page! I look forward to see the end results after the construction! Looking forward to doing business with ya Cyber Dave!
Tiddlewink - 07/26/98 18:11:33
My Email:jaj@arkansas.net
Referred by: Julie
From: inner space
Occupation: outer space spy
Favorite thing to do: wink
ICQ#: 16118894
My first! You know I won't forget you & Sharon.
S Leigh M - 07/23/98 08:10:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Park/3913/
My Email:slamz@geocities.com
Referred by: --
From: Canada
Occupation: Sales
Favorite thing to do: Collect fish & Birds
ICQ#: --
....WOW!!!...I'm truly impressed!!
Learn so much in such a little time!
I really like those virtual setups you create, someday you'll just have to show me how to create one!
Phil Thornley - 07/22/98 11:32:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Plaza/7590
My Email:phil_g_t@geocities.com
Referred by: Webgrrl
From: Ontario, Canada
Occupation: Internet Consultant
Favorite thing to do: Surf
I like your page, Dave. Your virtual community project is quite interesting.
Carl Morley - 07/17/98 20:24:51
My URL:http://www.abcs.com/crm33/carl's1.htm
My Email:crm33@abcs.com
Referred by: Dave
From: Dave
ICQ#: 240556
Looking good Dave...
Melissa Johnson - 07/14/98 02:26:37
My URL:http://www.hujo.com/nashville/lyrics/
My Email:melissa@hujo.com
Referred by: Dave, of course.. :}
From: Tennessee
Occupation: Web Development
Favorite thing to do: Virtual Reality.. Virtual Reality... Did I mention Virtual Reality?
Hey Ya Dave...
Great Work on your site!
I've had fun and learned alot..
You're a great guy!
Bruce Loe - 07/13/98 13:45:05
My URL:http://www2.arkansas.net/~loesb/
My Email:loesb@arkansas.net
Referred by: Cyberspace Dave
Occupation: Research and Design
Favorite thing to do: Write VB programs
Nice looking page. I'm really impressed.
Ron Belensky - 07/11/98 02:09:19
My URL:http://www.insight.com
My Email:rbelensk@insight.com
Referred by: Dave
Favorite thing to do: eat necco waffers
Great job on the site!!! Hope we can contine to meet your business needs. Good luck.
Phillip Barber - 07/11/98 00:17:28
My Email:phillipbarber@worldnet.att.net
Referred by: Dave Duberk
Occupation: Judge
Favorite thing to do: surf the web
H LEWIS PEARSON - 07/10/98 21:52:19
My Email:MIDMAS@aol.com
Referred by: YOU
ICQ#: 7677865
H LEWIS PEARSON - 07/10/98 21:49:29
My Email:MIDMAS@aol.com
Referred by: YOU
ICQ#: 7677865
Tim Stanley - 07/10/98 20:12:59
My Email:tim_stanley@adg.ardemgaz.com
Referred by: cyberdave
Occupation: journalist
Favorite thing to do: sign guestbooks
Hey David,
Congrats on the new homepage. You should pass out cigars or something. No, really, it looks good. I'll tell my Dad. He'll be impressed. Talk to ya later,
Renee' Fereira - 07/08/98 01:15:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/3572
My Email:complady@geocities.com
Referred by: Cyberdave!!
From: Washington
Occupation: Avon Representative
Favorite thing to do: Computing, Singing
ICQ#: 9188151
You've been very busy adding more pages haven't you? Great job! Stay out of the hot weather!
Here's an idea! Take your wife out to an air conditioned restaraunt for dinner! heehee
did I spell restaurant right? :-)
Blackhawk - 06/25/98 00:55:37
My URL:http://www.applied.home.ml.org/
My Email:mcourt@auscape.net
Referred by: The man himself.. ; )
From: Australia
Occupation: Computer Engineer
Lookin' good mate.. :)
LadyTazz - 06/24/98 23:55:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Sands/3436
My Email:ladytazz@gte.net
Referred by: The owner of this page.. hehe
From: California
Occupation: Nada at this point
Favorite thing to do: Build Web Pages
ICQ#: 289569
You have done a really good job on your page "newbie". hehehe Keep up the good work.
Bondo - 06/24/98 23:46:13
My Email:mrbondo007@hotmail.com
Referred by: friend
From: Hope, Arkansas
Occupation: Security Guard
Favorite thing to do: Ride my motorcycle
Looks Great Dave