Hi I'm Cyberspace Dave. Free Help Email me at: cyberspacedave4u@yahoo.com Fee Based Help Email me at: ccoh2001@msn.com
I started this project on 06/10/98, my first attempt, and it just continues to evolve. If you would like I would be glad to help you get your own personal web page started. Advice is always free or for nominal fee we can build it for you. Just drop us an email and let us know how we can help. Use the Email links below
Please check out my cool links so far and my other pages and be sure to share your positive thoughts and suggestions with me by signing my guestbook. I hope you will find interesting and educational reading and photographs within these pages.
My interests are:
Computers and Helping YOU have a great experience with your Personal Computer.
I am the owner of:
Cyberspace Consultants of Hope
One of the finest Computer Sales & Service Companies in the South.
Donate to the next Multiple Sclerosis fund raiser and help the millions of us crippled by this dread disease. Every little bit helps.Check the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America link below.
Email me at: cyberspacedave4u@yahoo.com
I'd like to hear your comments & please sign my guestbook before you leave. Just scroll to the bottom of the page for the guestbook link.
Please come back soon and check
out the links and music sites. Be sure to visit my Poetry Page often to check out my latest new poetry
Links to other sites on the Web
Cyberspace Computers - BUY ONE NOW
Active Worlds Universe
Hope, AR Watermelon Festival
Arkansas Razorbacks Homepage - GO HOGS
Multiple Sclerosis Assoc. of America
MedSupport FSF International
Windows2000 Magazine Online
My Useful Links Page
Links to my pages.
Cyberspace Consultants of Hope Page