Life Coaching and Holistic Approaches

Holistic Life Coaching provided by Cecilia Zapata-Larson

Holistic life coaching does not only focus on the individual's career goals, but also examines the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual. Accomplishing one's goals includes all parts of the individual's life and to be successful, these parts must work as One.

Together, coach and client will develop a step-by-step program unique to the individual's needs that will allow the client to recognize areas that blocks the flow and assist them to move forward in order to accomplish their life goals.

Successful coaching requires commitment between the individual and the coach. Results vary, but often the client will see tremendous amount of success in four months. The relationship between coach and client often becomes a life-long relationship.

Cecilia's background in cultural anthropology and is currently completing her natural health doctorate. She has clients from all over the country and coaching can be done by telephone. Cecilia's primary office is located at Garden Angels Holistic Center, 122 Avenue A, Ste. 3, Snohomish, WA 98290 (360)568-0783 or Outside WA State toll free: (877)264-3577. Her hours are set by appointments to accommodate clients from different time zones. Cecilia also facilitates workshops and retreats and teach courses on developing a nine year goal prosperity plan and achieving goals.

Other Holistic Approaches

Also known as "Alternative Therapies", demands for more holistic healing approaches are on the rise. Several news articles have been written about the benefits of alternative methods in partnership with traditional medicine. With testimonials from cancer patients and others, who, on their own, sought out alternative healing practitioners.

Some of the holistic healing approaches that Cecilia utilizes in her practice are:

- Guided imagery, visualization and meditation
- Creative writing or journaling
- Reiki or energy work (also known in Hawaii as "Healing Touch")
- Participation in drumming circles, discussion groups and other similar groups
- Vision Quests

What clients have said about Cecilia

"I knew then that the only way I was going to get back my life, was by researching alternative therapies - - and somehow, thank God, I was led to Cecilia. My first visit was an incredible experience, and I knew immediately that I was where I needed to be. I truly feel that the spiritual awareness that Cecilia has brought to me through several different methods has put me back in my true course - perhaps even for the first time." - Scott Shay, Boston, MA

"Cecilia has changed my entire life. Her methods are gentle and empowering. I now live in California and I still make appointments with her by phone. Bless the invention of the telephone!"
- Julie C., Santa Barbara, CA

How to Begin

To make an appointment or find out more about the services mentioned, please call Cecilia at(360) 568-0783 or email her at sacredgarden@gardenangels.com


Cecilia Zapata-Larson,MS, RC,Garden Angels Holistic Center, 122 Avenue A, Ste. 3, Snohomish, WA 98290 phone: (360) 568-0783 fax: (425) 335-3261 email:sacredgarden@gardenangels.com

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