"JVA Bey Shahnelle"

What an Arabian should be!

This chestnut mare foaled May 2, 1992.
Her sire is "Bey Shahman", and her dam is "Iscis".
Her pedigree goes all the way back in a direct line to the
1962 U.S. National Champion Stallion, "Bay Abi".

This young mare is a real beauty.
She is 6 years old, greenbroke,
and has a real sweet desposition.
If you are looking for beauty
with great personility,
this is a horse you must see.

Also for Sale in the Valley

Weanling Half Arab Colt

For a copy of her pedigree,
price, or other information,
contact me using my ICQ messenger below,
or email us at

Horse Country Tack

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