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Government Through Business Ethics


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Who do the better job?
Illustrating the Differences
The Effective Differences
Freedom 2000
Crime and Punishment

Who do the better job?

Freedom writer James Ferrari has completed a manuscript which makes comparison between businessmen and politicians. In that book he looks at many characteristics of the two, with the aim of showing how the country would be better equipped for prosperity and happiness with business at the helm. His arguments include the following.

Since the beginning of human development, business has thrived across every area of the inhabited world. The law of supply and demand has seen the growth of a magnificent entrepreneurial spirit in the human species. This unique business occupation has so widened the gap between man and other animals, that we can no longer see much resemblance between ourselves and our evolutionary ancestors. In partnership with creative people, business has brought technological advances to the world in all areas of expertise. This operation of value production has given man great satisfaction.

This is in sharp contrast with the "other" element of human development, the evolution of groups which find their satisfaction in controlling the productive business community. These two sets of people have contrasting views on the way things should be done. But do both opposing methods actually work? On the one hand, business supplies a continuous demand for better and better products, seeking always to compete with each other, both in the cost and quality of their products. On the other hand, it would seem that politicians fail to keep up with the constantly changing world. Rarely do they give satisfaction and are never able to equal the law of supply and demand. One might wonder why this is, but there is a very good reason for it.[ Sample from Freedom 2000] [Order]

Illustrating the Differences

When we examine the historic base of business and politics we find two very conflicting activities. We might say that business has evolved over the past two to three thousand years. In effect, there is not really a great deal of difference today, except in the progressive methods of marketing and the wider scope of potential customers. The essence of business has changed very little. One person has a value another wants and is prepared to pay for it. Payment can be made in any currency agreeable to both parties. It is the simple age old method of trade. On this basis, the greater the perceived value of goods or services provided, the greater is the traded value received.

The success of business is therefore measured in the volume of values received in exchange for the business product. It's difficult to see how this simple rule will ever change in the role of a business value provider.

Politics is a very different occupation entirely. For a start, it has not evolved from a simple principle of value production or value exchange. The historic base of all politics is in the use of force, usurpation of the general masses and extorted contributions for its own perpetuation. There was never a time, not in this country, nor any other throughout the world, when a completely free people rose up with one voice and said, "We must have a government to make laws and rule over our lives". This situation happened through strength of force and has evolved to what we see today.

At the end of this evolutionary period, what are the significant differences? With the exception that the maintained force is not so physically obvious, little has changed. Being a "more benevolent" government simply means that less force must be applied to meet desired ends (i.e., they do it "smarter"). The fundamental requirement is still that subjects be taxed under threat of seizure, levy, garnishment or imprisonment. Sometimes even under threat of death.[ Sample from Freedom 2000] [Order]

The Effective Differences

The money used by government to carry out all its self appointed programmes is not earned by government, but taken from the people and from businesses in taxes. No effort is required to obtain the money, as it is forcefully taken from every individual's earnings. Even the salaries of politicians is obtained in this manner. The programmes they have devised are carried out using other people's money. That is money which they have not personally earned.

The business entrepreneur also has programmes. Plans for expansion of existing business, expansion into new business ventures, payments for new product developments, etc. He has only his own money to pay for these plans. Even if he borrows money, it has to be paid back out of the profits of the business. Yet with all the work, stress and activity required to get these plans working, the successful entrepreneur goes from strength to strength, building his business and satisfying the demands of his customers.

When we understand this gulf of difference between successful business and politics, it is less difficult to answer the question raised earlier. "Why do politicians rarely give satisfaction?" This question raises yet another.

Could a government give the same satisfaction as a business? Logically, the answer must be, yes, but only if it is operated under the same standards of business ethics. [ Sample from Freedom 2000] [Order]

Freedom 2000

Based on this simple philosophy, James Ferrari has written a manuscript, soon to be published in book form, called Freedom 2000.

In this book the question is raised, why, with the decades and centuries that business has taken the lead and shown the way, not once has government even tried to learn from their example. In reverse principle, government has often taken private business out of the control of business entrepreneurs and nationalised it, thus contributing to the debts of the country due to subsidy and mis-management. James Ferrari shows how finally, people of all persuasions are agreeing that private business, competing in the marketplace, is the only sensible way forward if a country is not going to go into bankruptcy.

For all the activities that are now in the hands of private enterprise, we are benefitting. Pointing out that there are many more industries still in government hands, he asks which of these activities are constructed on a business basis. Do they make a profit? Do they even operate efficiently at a subsidised loss? And are we prepared to continue dishing out our hard earned money to be thrown into a bottomless pit? Order


One subject dealt with by Freedom 2000 is pensions. It is argued that if a man started work at the age of sixteen and retired at the age of sixty five he would have paid into the government kitty every week for fortynine years. A very long time. Where is the money? What has happened to it? James Ferrari points to the obvious fact that, with wise and shrewd investment, that money could now amount to a small fortune and asks what can be done to give the pensioner a fair deal. Could the pensioner still receive a fortune back from the government? Freedom 2000 puts forward a plan to ensure that pensioners are dealt with honestly and fairly.

Some might argue that community services should not be profit making. Is it this attitude that has allowed them to stagnate and consume trillions of dollars each year for decades? The annual budget (which is another way of saying the amount paid in taxes each year) is several trillion dollars. Freedom 2000 asks what could be achieved with such an enormous amount of money if it was in the hands of entrepreneurs like Bill Gates. Used in a businesslike manner, this fortune could be made to produce great profits instead of being squandered down to every last penny each year. [ Sample from Freedom 2000] [Order]

Crime and Punishment

In his book, James Ferrari points to the many times innocent people have been subjected to violent and brutal beatings by thugs, who then rob them of their possessions. If the criminal is caught and punished, he asks, "What is the list of incredible injustices that follow"?

First, a sentence of imprisonment means that the taxpayer takes over all the criminal's responsibilities, paying for his housing, his food, his medical bills, his insurance. The taxpayer also picks up the tab for the police investigation which led to the arrest, defence lawyers and solicitors, court fees including prosecution, judge and jurors. In some cases tax payers also pay for specialist witnesses and reports. With such a list, the cost goes into many many thousands of dollars, so why are innocent, law abiding citizens paying for this?

And what about the poor victim and the value of the victim's stolen property. What about fair remuneration? The criminal, it seems, has no responsibility in the matter. Has this really been thought out, and if so, by whom? As Ferrari says, "Certainly not by a business mind".

It is also surprising to learn that Freedom 2000 provides a solution whereby all of this can be handled in such a way that the criminal meets his responsibilities, the taxpayer has to pay nothing, the victim receives fair remuneration and the whole process makes a profit.[Sample from Freedom 2000]

In order to convince you that there is a better way to manage a country than the historic route to failure, the book Freedom 2000 has been written covering a great number of human subjects. Based upon the principles and concepts of this book a new order of national management might be erected. Once people realise what it will mean for them, whether they are pensioners or tax payers, the way might be set to build a new and dramatic force for success in the running of our country.

Freedom 2000 suggests it is time to make the people prosperous. James Ferrari believes this book just might be the pre-cursor to a new and exciting movement, not based upon political ideology which has failed us every time, but on business, making profits out of every institution currently run by politicians. Operating on this basis, taxes would be reduced to a bare essential minimum. A start would be to read Freedom 2000.

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