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Entrepreneurial Spirit

FREEDOM - the natural state of Individual Consciousness
ENTERPRISE - the means of value production for Conscious Individuals

Freedom is the right of all
people, but exists nowhere on
this planet. It is undermined
by institutions and mysticism.

The greatest usurper of freedom
is the institution of government.

Visit the Freedom 2000 page for
James Ferrari's best selling book.

Business Enterprise is the
benefactor of all peoples
everywhere. Don't suffer the
suppressions of the employed
and the un-employed.

Join the Self-Employed motivators
by visiting the M-Pro Bookstore
site where you will find many
business opportunities.

Promote Freedom and Business through our unique Fashion Statements business plan.

Are you an Author but can't get published?
Visit the M-Pro Bookstore and find out how we can promote and sell your work online.

Obtain your own Merchant Credit Card
account facility on the web for
On-Line Credit Card facilites and
treble your sales.

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