What is a learning Circle?

A learning circle is a small group (less than 12 probably) that gets together to work on improving something together-- share ideas -- talk about issues -- etc. in this case, especially with regard to service based learning.

"Learning Circles are small, on-going gatherings of people who come together to share their ideals. goals, practices and honest experiences in service learning. "

What is Service-Based Learning?

In service based learning, students participate in community service that meets both the needs of a community and the needs of a course being studied.

Definition: Service Learning is the direct application of curriculum in the community.

Examples of Service Based learning


  • Hunger
    • - Food Drives combined with lessons on geography or science that deals with the people being helped or the foods being provided.
    • Connect with issues of policy -- What in this nation contributes to hunger or to the relief of hunger
  • Oral History Projects
    • Veteran's History Project
  • Parks
    • Create Monuments with poetry on them
    • Create Brochures
    • Create Web Pages
  • City Beautification
    • Combine with math measurements
    • Building flowerbeds, greenhouses etc.
    • Combine with Science activities - planting seeds etc.
  • Cities
    • Begin Festivals
    • Make city calendars
    • Restore old tractors
    • Teach computer skills to senior citizens

Eight Ways to Inspire Students

  1. Give them a sense of belonging. They need to be a valuable member of a group without losing their individuality
  2. Give them real role models. Heroes. Unconditional love and acceptance.
  3. Provide opportunities for achieving a sense of accomplishement.
  4. Make the atmosphere fun, exciting, engaging. True enjoyment.
  5. Promote a spirit of adventure and risk taking
  6. Encourage curiosity and creativity. We should always be asking Why? and Why Not?
  7. Give them opportunities to take responsibility and provide leadership
  8. Encourage confidence to set goals and take action.
(From Keynote address of Russell Quaglia at Work Now and in the Future, November 8, 1999)


Service Based Learning Applies Curriculum in a way that makes This World A Better Place.

"Collaborate or Die"

© Darlene Marquardt
The information on this page
is based on notes taken in a 45 minute
workshop presented by Marilyn Walster
that I attended on 4-16-03