A brief overview of Malu 'Aina

Malu 'Aina was established as a non-profit organization in 1979. Permanent residency at Malu 'Aina Farm began in June of 1981. Our initial "structures" were tents. In fact, for more than five years our kitchen remained a tent.

We are located on the slopes of the world's most active volcano and in one of the most poverty-stricken areas in Hawaii. The climate is generally wet, averaging 179 inches of rain annually, but there are occasional periods of drought. The temperatures are mild: 75-85 degrees F in the daytime and 60-70 degrees F at night year round.

Our water supply is rain water collected off the roof into water catchment tanks. We have a small scale solar power unit and use a composting toilet.

At Malu 'Aina we try to live a life of community service by helping people in need of food, and through our work for peace and social justice. We try our best to live a consistent non-violent ethic of life.