Dear friends ...

December 9, 1997

The holiday season is a reminder of promise: "For I know the plans I have for you... To give you a future full of hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)

Here at Malu 'Aina we are reminded daily that our effors in the works of mercy, justice, and peace are done in partnership with you. We give thanks for your moral and financial support which is much appreciated and needed to keep vision and hope alive. We are also very grateful to Hawaii's host native people for the opportunity to be stewards of the land at Malu 'Aina.

This is what we were about is 1997:

This past year our new guest rooms have sheltered many people from near and far, including Father Daniel Berrigan, friends working for justice and peace from Italy, Finland, Germany, Spain, Canada, the U.S., etc. and throughout Hawaii. Most recently, we had a grassroots exchange of ideas with Kilali Alailima, who is returning home to develop Lafulemu Fertile Earth Institute in Apia, Samoa. A welcomed addition to our volunteer core community is the presence of Christopher Kidd. His enthusiasm for the life of the land and justice is contagious.

1998 marks the 100th year of Hawaii's annexation to the U.S. Throughout the years of colonial rule, people and the land have been treated as commodities, abused for selfish gain. As a result, Hawaii has moved toward increased dependency and away from being self-reliant and self-sufficient. The process has depleted both the people and the land, but there are real signs of hope taking root. A new awakening and a spirit of self-determination are on the rise.

Kanaka Maoli people are rising up for sovereignty. Broad-based coalitions are being formed to reject export agribusiness and embrace a more homegrown local economy. There is a growing sense that if we take care of the land, the land will take care of us. It makes no sense to export pulp, wood chips, or other cash crops and import taro and 95% of what we eat. Hawaii's agricultural lands should be used to supply local needs first.

Scripture says: "Where there is no vision, the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18) So we pray for the gift of vision, to become the eyes of the land. And we pray for the courage to speak and to act, with you, for a future full of hope. Along with our brother, the prophet Jeremiah, this is our promise of solidarity in 1998 and beyond.

May the blessings of the season be with you and your loved ones, and we hope you will come and bless us with a visit in 1998.

With gratitude and aloha,

Jim Albertini