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BS, Mathematics Clarion University of Pennsylvania, 1990



Startec Global Communications Sr. Programmer/Analyst 1998 - Present

R.O.W. Sciences, Inc. Sr. Programmer/Analyst 1996 -1998

Mortgage Dynamics, Inc. Programmer 1995 - 1996

R.O.W. Sciences, Inc. Programmer/Analyst I 1992 - 1995

Harvera Associates Senior Programmer 1989 - 1992

CTS Associates Programmer 1988 - 1989

Harvera Associates Programmer 1986 - 1988



Mr. Johns has more than twelve years experience in the areas of system design, programming, system and user documentation, and system maintenance. He has worked on PC computers in several x-base languages (Visual FoxPro, FoxPro 2.5 for Windows and DOS, Clipper 5.01, and Rbase, FoxPro 1.02, 2.0), Visual Basic, Microsoft QuickBasic, and C++. He also has created World Wide Web (WWW) web pages and is familiar with HTML. He has spent the past eight years programming in FoxPro and other event driven, OOPS programming tools. He is familiar with object-oriented programming and technology (OOP/OOT) and incorporates these concepts in his projects. The systems he has designed and programmed range from simple reporting systems with static data to highly specialized accounting systems.



Startec Global Communications, Bethesda, Maryland, Sr. Programmer/Analyst - Details to follow

R.O.W. Sciences, Inc., Rockville, Maryland, Sr. Programmer/Analyst - Mr. Johns was the lead programmer/analyst and team-leader for R.O.W. Sciences in support of R.O.W. Sciences' contract with the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). We were supporting several applications related to the NHGRI Grants Management System (GMS). GMS ties information specific to the various offices in NHGRI to the IMPAC II system. IMPAC II is the grants management system for NIH. GMS was developed in Visual Foxpro. GMS uses OLE to work with Excel spreadsheets and has e-mail capabilities. Mr. Johns worked on establishing the standard for developing systems documentation.


Mr. Johns was the lead programmer and analyst for the FUSION project for the National Center for Human Genome Research (NCHGR). He worked directly with the clients, providing analysis for a variety of systems. He worked on site with the clients, enabling him to perform quick adjustments to systems and to meet at their convenience to discuss further requirements to existing systems. These systems were designed in FoxPro for Windows and were all ported to FoxPro for Macintosh. The FUSION system takes genotype information through several procedures to analyze and group the data. Several reports are generated from this process. An output file is generated and submitted to a linkage system located on a Unix box for further scientific analysis. FUSION is also used by the schizophrenia research group of the National Institute of Mental Health.

Mr. Johns was the lead design analyst and programmer for the Women and Children (W&C) Child and Collateral baseline surveys for SAMHSA. He designed the base classes for the surveys, incorporating the client’s desire to step through the survey questions and checking required fields for entry with Visual FoxPro object-oriented techniques and general Windows structured programming.

Mr. Johns was the lead programmer supporting the Grants Electronic Management System (GEMS) for HRSA through TYC. GEMS is a client-server system using Visual Basic 4.0 as a front-end to a SQL-Server database. He is also responsible for overseeing the other programmer's work, verifying that the database meets the client's needs, and writing the SQL code to read from and write to the SQL Server tables.

Mr. Johns has provided programming and analysis support for the National Cancer Institute (NCI) contract. This support includes creating a Visual FoxPro standard for classes and general design. Mr. Johns has written a SQL writer in Visual FoxPro that has been incorporated into several projects. This writer enables end users to create reports against any set of tables in their application. He used xCase for the table design and referential integrity in this system. He also provided system analysis, design, and programming support for the Space Data System (SDS) and the Cancer Ethics Data System (CEDS). SDS helps administration staff generate reports such as how much space is allocated to each lab and how this space is used. CEDS tracks forms required by the Ethics office. Both of these projects were built from our class standards using many pre-built objects and methods. Mr. Johns performed as the lead Visual FoxPro analyst under this contract, working on system analysis, design, and programming methodologies for several other systems currently being produced.

Mr. Johns provided system analysis, design, and programming support of the National Civilian Community Corps. He designed their Application Tracking System (NCCC ATS). The ATS enables users to track applications submitted for the program, schedule interviews, and assign qualified applicants to their desired campus. This system also has an ad-hoc query system and is used to download data to offsite contractors who handle bulk mailings to the applicants. He regularly met with the clients to discuss progress, possible future changes to the system, and provided general system support. This system was written in Visual FoxPro.

Mr. Johns performed system requirement analysis, designing, and programming the Marketing Information Management System (MIMS) for the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). This system plans and tracks marketing efforts for various NHLBI functions. Mr. Johns met twice a month throughout the development with the client to review the system requirements and the status of the development. This system uses all of the FoxPro Power Tools, a variation of the FoxPro Foundation Read, and many canned routines used to perform functions common to most systems. This system also used a basic report function that used SQL statements to gather the data for system reports.

Mr. Johns has also redesigned, programmed, and documented the Information and Inventory Database (IID) for NHLBI. This system, written in FoxPro for Windows, tracks requests for publications available through NHLBI, prints packing slips, manages inventory, and produces a variety of custom reports. This system is used online by the NHLBI operators.

Mr. Johns provided system maintenance and updates for the NHLBI Data File. This system, written in Visual Basic and using FoxPro databases, provides charts, graphs, and text information on a variety of NHLBI research areas.

Mr. Johns was also responsible for the system design, documentation, and implementation of a Grant Tracking System for the National Cancer Institute. The system imports both IMPAC and CRISP files, giving the user all desired information from both mainframe systems. The system has ad-hoc query and report capabilities. This system uses FoxPro's Foundation Read method and Power Tools. This system has been transported to both FoxPro for Windows and FoxPro for Macintosh.

Mr. Johns designed, programmed, and provided documentation for the NHLBI User File. This system, written in FoxPro for DOS, contains NHLBI interest information for over 25,000 people. Mailing labels, phone lists, and other custom reports can be created through the use ad-hoc query and report system. This system uses FoxPro's Foundation Read method and Power Tools.

Mr. Johns designed a WYSIWYG label generator for the NHLBI User File. This system, written in PowerBuilder Desktop, is not used because the ad-hoc query and report generator is much faster. The NHLBI User File is also being used to support several contracts’ mailing list requirements.

Mr. Johns was responsible for system design, documentation and implementation of the Radiation Research Helpline for the Department of Energy. This system, written in FoxPro for DOS, is used as an online information collection system used by phone operators who are guided through a questionnaire by a series of data entry screens. The information collected by the operators is sorted weekly using a set of Select SQL commands and is uploaded to the appropriate agency. Mr. Johns met regularly with the DOE staff to analyze the data collection techniques being used. This system uses FoxPro's Foundation Read method and Power Tools.

Mr. Johns also designed, programmed, and provided documentation for the NINDS Data Tracking System. This system is used to track inventory for the NINDS information warehouse contract. It creates a variety of ad-hoc and specialty reports. This system was converted from Clipper 5 to FoxPro for DOS.

Mr. Johns programmed and designed the Grants Automated Document Information Control System (GADICS) under the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act for the Department of Transportation. This system tracks applications for grants, grant awards and reimbursements, and duplicates all required official forms. Mr. Johns worked with the clients on a number of network and hardware issues. He also provides occasional user support. This system uses FoxPro's Foundation Read method and Power Tools.

Mr. Johns designed, programmed, and provided user documentation for a Professional Categories mail list system for in house support of R.O.W. Sciences contract with Federal Occupational Health program (FOH). This system uses FoxPro's Foundation Read method, Screen, and Report Generator Power Tools.

Mr. Johns was responsible for programming (in FoxPro) and user documentation of the Screening Information System/LAN (SIS/L) for the Office of Pollution, Pesticide, and Toxics (OPPT) branch of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). SIS/L is an interactive, table driven, LAN-based system that ties together many of the EPA's basic, screening-level databases and chemical lists, and enables searching, reporting, and access to these lists on the basis of chemical identity. SIS/L also serves as an active platform providing LAN access to external Management Information Systems (MIS) such as Roadmaps and RoL (Register of Lists). SIS/L is designed to allow on-site staff to add lists, create browse windows for viewing external data and add or modify reports without modifying the actual program. He is also involved in the gathering and formatting of new lists and list updates, which are processed quarterly and added to the SIS/L databases. Mr. Johns works directly with the client to provide efficient analysis of the system's requirements and plans. Mr. Johns has ported this system to Visual FoxPro.

Mr. Johns worked on a task order, system specifications, and designed a prototype for the Chemical Toxic Information Branch (CTIB) of the EPA for a Record Tracking System (CRTS). This system would help CTIB keep accurate records of where information gathered through various on-going studies is being stored.

Mr. Johns supported several contracts requiring Clipper programming. The most recent are the design, programming, and documentation of a terminate and stay resident 'Rolodex' Contact Tracking System for the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), a branch of the National Institute of Health (NIH). He also wrote performed Clipper programming in support of a Management Information System for the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP). These projects involved basic data entry, building specialized reports, exporting data in a number of different formats (WordPerfect mail merge file, dBase III format database, and various text file formats), and advanced database management techniques.

Mr. Johns supported contracts for NCHGR and FEMA by providing system testing and documentation.

Mortgage Dynamics, Inc., McLean, Virginia, Programmer - Mr. Johns provided programming maintenance and system documentation for the SmarT system, a secondary mortgage marketing and analysis system.

Harvera Associates, Fredonia, Pennsylvania, Senior Programmer - Mr. Johns contributed to the design, programming, maintenance, and documentation of several specialized accounting systems, including an on-board truck inventory, invoice, and basic accounting system for a food wholesaler, a comprehensive auctioneer accounting system, and a full integrated accounting system for a plastics manufacturer. He also provided general support for many clients. This included specialized programming routines, hardware maintenance, and data backup and recovery.

CTS Associates, Shippenville, Pennsylvania, Programmer - Mr. Johns documented and maintained a brick tracking process for a brick manufacturing company. He redesigned the entire system, reducing the average computer processing time from 90 minutes to 15-20 minutes per shift. He also initiated design of a point of sale application.


Member, Virtual FoxPro User Group

Premier member, Universal Thread

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