About me...

I am skilled in the field of business administration, education and computers and adapt quickly to new software and hardware solutions. I have been programming from a very early age, starting at BASIC on an Apple II, 6502 ML on a C-64, QBASIC, Pascal, Visual Basic, etc.

Over the past years I have learnt major web programming languages. These include Active Server Pages (ASP, for client to server interaction), Visual Basic Script (server-side ASP functionality), JavaScript (client-side interactivity and functionality), Structured Query Language (SQL, for database connectivity) and Hyper Textual Markup Language (HTML for the layout of WebPages). I can also program in Macromedia Flash, enhancing any work graphics designers produce with user interaction and database connectivity.

As part of my skill set I have experience of mainstream programs such as Macromedia UltraDev/Dreamweaver/Flash, Adobe PhotoShop /Imageready and Microsoft Access 97, 2000 & XP. I have extensive, hands-on knowledge of relational database management systems. With this I created the system database and software which powers the Ministry of Education web site, the Catalogo de Textos Escolares and dialogodegestiones.com websites, and several others.

Another area of my skills focuses on e-learning and e-commerce systems. I have been country coordinator of the World Links for Development program since 2000, working with teachers across the world on tele-collaborative projects.

I have been assistant teacher of telematics at local universities, as well as technology teacher at schools.

Recent projects include www.dialogodegestiones.com and www.ser.gov.co.

I realize that I have chosen to work in a field that is constantly changing and improving. My objective is to keep abreast of these changes and improvements and so I am seeking employment that will assist me in this aim. I enjoy this work very much.
