Walks near Lodeve

There are several guidebooks in the house giving details of walks of varying lengths and levels of difficulty. Some guidebooks are in English; the ones in French have good maps and usually refer to waymarked walks so you can get by without knowing what all the words mean! There is also a collection of maps scale 1:25000


Several walks start from the house, giving interesting views over Lodeve and the surrounding area.
There are several walks near the Lac du Salagou. You can drive there from the house by a back road. Our favourite walk along one side of the lake takes several hours, or you can start from the Cirque de Moureze and climb Mount Liausson, from where there are spectacular views of the lake.

Over by Soubes there are several walks through the forest of Parlatges.

These are ideal in the summer for a morning or evening walk.
One walk climbs to a spot where you have views over the Cévennes in one direction and the Larzac in the other.
From Octon, at the other end of Lac du Salagou, you can walk to Notre Dame de Roubignac (This is where we saw our sheep)

From the Pic St Baudille you can see to the sea on a clear day and across to the mountains. There is an interesting walk to the top, or you can drive - but that is cheating!

Longer walks

There are many options for longer walks nearby. Further afield there are many challenging walks less than an hour's drive away in the Haut Languedoc National Park and the Larzac Plateau.

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