Form 2
Urban House

The requirement was to design a three bed room house for a retired couple on the suburbs of Trivandrum. The form of this house is conceived as a pyramid, with additions. the house has strong division between private and common areas as per the requirements of the client. it has a formal garden in the entry side a a large open kitchen garden in the back. This is done to accommodate further addition or even a later stage sale of the plot behind. 

 Post Graduate Hostel

The main concern of the design was to achieve a hall of residence with privacy and sense of place while enhancing the potential of the site like the view, the terrain and the vegetation.

Location: The site is located within the engineering College Campus, University Of kerala,India

Terrain: Is sloping with some vegetations. The Western side has a good view, to the valley and can see the Sea from the first floor level. 

Form 3


The new architecture building in Kerala University and its surrounding had to be humanized before the students moved in. The landscape and the terrain were created to enhance the informal gathering places. The idea was developed from the observations in other school of architecture were these spaces were found to be the most active spaces in terms of discussions and lecture 

Housing Project

A relatively small plot overlooking the golf links, was the site to this projects. the site is surroundied by Houses designed by eminent architect Laurie Baker. the Building form and style of Construction thus complemnt to his style, while being sympathenic to the large green. The geometry of the block are adopterd from the traditional architecture principles of Kerala. this the blocks are dividdin to two cortyard forms with each house getting a part of this open courtyard. this open space also help climatically, as the high humid kerala Climate require good ventilation 

Technical Library, M.G University. India

the building stands on the axis of the void between the main block of the university. the building uses low-cost building technics like filler slab, funicular shell construction and rat-trap bond walls. this building was also to show that these building techniques can be used in large institutional building with high quality interiors, thus stands as an icon of 'technology'.

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