Hello and thank you for visiting my home page. I hope you can find whatever it is that you are looking for. But first, I owe it to you to provide a little background about me.

My name is David Carr and live in Southern California. I graduated from high school through the Los Angeles Unified School District's Independent Study program.

When I was 12 years old, I was dignosed with Wegener's Granulomatosis. It's a disease that affects the lungs, kidneys, and/or other organs. If you'd like more information, please look on the links page for a link to the WG Support Group.

I am an active Los Angeles County Fire Department Volunteer Photographer, have a Los Angeles City Fire Department FireLine Pass, and am a certified Emergency Medical Technician-IA (Basic) in Los Angeles County. I have taken photos of traffic accidents, brush fires, controlled burns, air squads, retirement dinner, etc.

If there is anything that you are looking for, please ask me. I'd be more then happy to help you locate the items you are looking for. I post quite a bit of merchandise on Ebay. If you need web page links, I'll find them if I don't have them. Most of my links are to military and government pages.

Thanks for you time and have a good day.