Welcome to my home page. I am sure you are asking yourself "What is this about?" Well, here is what I hope to achieve.

The most important goal I have is to sell my sports cards. I am moving soon and need as much money as possible. These were all important items to me at one time, but I just will not have the room to hold on to these items.

And when I have time and extra money, I hope to set up a home resale business. I'll buy in bulk and pass the savings on to you. That page will be worked on over time, but I hope to start selling medical and office supplies. If you need 1 or 100 of something, I hope to bring it to you at a discount price.

The above links HAVE to be on this page as part of my agreement with Geocities so I can have my own page. I really have no choice in which pages are shown. The pages that are linked in no way represent my views and/or opinions. I hope none are offensive, but if they are, I truely am sorry.

Please check out the following links to more information:

Information about me
Links that might Interest you

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