Angel's Age of Empires Clan


Come fight us, so we may have your heads!

  • AnGeLs_28

Clan Members

Alies Clan Members

How to Join AnGeL

Attention all members I will talk to dj about if anyone does good in any tourey that that will be a chance for them to advance in rank! So lets do it. Slap the crap out of them at the tourneys!

  • Attention all AnGeLs as you will see,all New Members will start with a rank of _9 (as well as are other soldiers _9 to).This is done to add more competition to the clan and place soldiers where they should be in ranks.We will be doing Angel vs Angel,to the death, on Sundays,so you have a chance to raise in rank. The final gole will be to have like 3 _1,4 _2,5 _3,so get with the Higher command and schedule a fight. If your opponent doesn't show on the schedule fight he forfiets.You can only challenge one rank above you after the ranks are filled.All fights need to be watched by a another clan member.


More About AnGeL

You will need this patch if you dont already have it to play at the zone, its the b version or update to registered ver of AoE. msaoe10b.exe

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Only our Members can Go here after 2 weeks of being a Angle Clan member, after that 2 week period you may contact an CoLeader or High Council member to get it, dont ask anyone else as we dont want it to get out and we will change it if necessary, and find out who gave it out and they will not get it again

Nuking Laws, Please take the time to look at them!

More info Age of Empires

Check it out A New AoE and RoR link

Screen shots!

COming soon Angel's Clan tourney Look for it coming your way!!

Do you wish to challange some of our members to a match, we will accept under certain conditions. (1)Death Match, (2) even sides Vs each other, (3)Rooms must be agreed on by both sides,(rated or not) (4)The most Important of all, If you challange any of us to a match we pick the races and you must follow the same. Then come KILL or be KILLED.

Email Webmaster

Get Nuke Nabber! Be sure to follow ALL the instructions IN EXACT ORDER

Microsoft Internet Gaming Zone

Get Nuke Nabber so you don't get nuked, I have no way of preventing this and can't rule on games as I wasn't there, so if you all have nukenabber they cant nuke you!

How to change your population limit? Well go here and change it to 150 for the match!

This page last updated 07 MARCH 1999