Why hard disk fails? 
Hard disk failure is due to one or more of the following reasons:
- Logically. It happens when there is a problem with the partition table, file allocation table (FAT), Master Boot Record (MBR), or the disk has too many bad sectors. That's called corruption or loss of the file system. The disk may have lots of bad sectors or the files on the disk may have been damaged by virus. The success rate of data recovery for this kind of problem is 70-100% depending on who does the job for you.
Software data recovery can be done successfully if the hard disk does not have an
electronic, physical or mechanical damage and it can be recognized by BIOS.
- Electronically.
It's normally 100% recoverable by an experienced data recovery expert. This kind of failure can be caused because of a power spike or electrical surge to the computer. In this case the controller board on the hard disk becomes undetectable by the BIOS. You may think by swapping the controller board of your disk it should become okay and workable. This is not recommended because you often make recoverable data on your disk to become unrecoverable! It may sound strange, but it's true.
Only a data recovery expert knows when and how to swap disk controllers to achieve success rate of 100% for data recovery. Each disk has its own firmware (low-level software on a chip) on the controller that makes it special to that single disk. Firmware may be different for the same identical model of hard disks.
- Mechanically. This is due to a read / write head failure or the disk motor problem.This may result in total loss of data. Mechanical failure may be caused by the movement of the computer , physical shock, power surges, static electricity, mechanical read/write head failure.
The head crash is the most common mechanical failure. Given enough time, a good data recovery expert can often recover most of the data from this type of failure.
- Combination of one or more of the above mentioned reasons.
Hardware recovery techniques for a hard disk normally consist of part replacement in a cleanroom environment of
- heads
- basecasting
- spindle motor
- electronoc board
- firmware
- parameter table
Hard disk drive jargons:
Each hard disk on a PC normally has one or more platters that can rotate at speed of 3,600, 5,400,7,200, or 10,000 RPM. Data can be recorded on both platters(surfaces) of a disk.
- What is a track? On each surface there are a set number of concentric circles, called tracks which can hold data.
- What is a sector? Each track is divided into sectors that hold a specific number of characters. E.g. On an 80 gb hard disk each track consist of 63 sectors.Each sector normally holds 512 bytes of data.
The cause of bad sectors normally is the manufacturer defect. If the number of bad sectors on a disk are not too many, it can be fixed by running scandisk or fixdisk utility programs. If a disk has too many bad sectors the only solution is to replace the disk with a new one. Of course before replacing a disk with bad sectors the best logical thing is to recover the data from the disk. This data recovery can only be done by a data recovery expert.
- What is a cluster? Two or more sectors on a track are called a cluster or block. A cluster normally consit of 8 sectors of a track. Each sector can hold 4096 bytes of data.
Each file occupies one or more clusters depending on the size of the file.
- what is a cylinder? A set of tracks on a magnetic disk that can be accessed by one positioning of the access arm is called a cylinder.
Common hard disk drive error messages and the reason.
- missing operating system : corrupt Master Boot Record (MBR).
- invalid partition table : corrupt master boot record (MBR).
- error loading operating system : corrupt master boot record (MBR).
Actions to take:
Stop using your computer. Have a reputable data recovery center to check your hard disk and recover all the data for you before you loose them all.
- primary master hard disk fail
- secondary master hard disk fail
Possible casue of these error messages is a faulty controller (Electronically faulty/damaged hard disk drive). Sometimes a well written software recovery program can access the data, but in most cases the hard disk requires a hardware recovery.
How big is your hard disk, 40 GB, 60 GB, 80 GB, 1 terabyte, 1 yottabyte ? mg tp ezy
1 megabyte = 1,000,000 bytes (6 zeros) 1 million bytes
1 gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes (9 zeros) 1000 million bytes. A Laptop hard disk is 80 GB.
1 terabyte = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes (12 zeros) 1000 gigabye = four 250 GB hard disk!
1 petabyte = 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes (15 zeros)
1 exabyte = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes (18 zeros)
1 zettabyte = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes (21 zeros)
1 yottabyte = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes (24 zeros)
For all your data recovery services in Sydney Australia ring 0412505080 or 98762676
Mike Toloo ® data recovery specialist 1999-2009 Copyright ©
Tel: +61 2 98762676 mobile: 0412505080 Sydney Australia.
ABN: 27-494-452-874 date last modified: Feb 3, 2009
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