data recovery of computer hard disk data recovery Sydney Australia You can trust this man.

            Our first class service includes data recovery from all brands of hard disk drives.
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We can help you if your computer has any one of the following problems:
  • Computer fails to boot. It shows black screen or blue screen.         Health Information
  • Nothing happens when booting the pc.
  • You ran the recovery console program and lost your files. Master Boot Record (MBR) problems.
  • After running the check disk (chkdsk) you can not access your files.
  • Accidentally formatted your hard disk. Reinstalled the operation system and lost your original(old) data.
  • Operating system files are corrupted and the PC can not boot.
  • Virus damaged your compute and your files are not accessable. Spyware caused problem for your system.
  • Hard disk with file system corruption or having too many bad sectors.
  • Hard disk with firmware (low-level software on a chip) problem.
  • Hard disk has electronic fault.
  • Hard disk with mechanical fault and making clicking sound.

  • data recovery australia The chance of getting your data back is not as bad as you think. Stop using your computer and contact us now Tel: 0412-505080 for a FREE evaluation and quote. your satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back.
    The use of operating system commands such as delete command, formatting the hard disk, using the fdisk or even emptying the recycle bin, do not remove information stored on your hard disk permanently. These operating system commands only alter the structure of your drive, leaving most of the data intact and recoverable by our data recovery experts.
    Mike Toloo ® data recovery specialist 1999-2009 Copyright ©
    Tel: +61 2 98762676 mobile: 0412505080 Sydney Australia.
    ABN: 27-494-452-874 date last modified: Feb 3, 2009

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