| Dario's Web World - Part
After much consideration, I've taken your suggestions and put them to use. Hopefully, you'll like this site design better. Many people told me that they didn't like the way my "buttons" automatically opened a new window, so that option has be removed. So basically, no more frames - even though it took me a while to learn it. Any link you click on will take you to a new page, in the same browser. Hopefully that makes it easier for you. As I'm sure you've noticed, I'm in the midst of my divorce. If your just looking for information, please follow the link to the left called "X Wife". No this is not going to be a "wife bashing page", but instead a page with the court rulings and information. So a brief note about me. Lets see, I'm 33, born in a small town on Vancouver Island called Port Alberni. My parents are both Slovenian by origin. I've been there a few times, and can speak the language fluently. Reading and writing is a totally different matter. Moved to Vancouver right after graduation and tried to go back to school. That was a bust - guess I wasn't mature enough to deal with it. Got really frustrated when my Technical School merged with another, so I dropped out. I've help various jobs over the years, but now I'm currently self-employed. I started MKH Industries Ltd. on October 13-96 and have never looked back. I always get a kick out of the commercials you see on TV - "Be your own boss - set your own hours!". Well to a point they are right - you can set your own hours. BUT - what they fail to tell you is - if you don't service your clients - you don't' get a paycheck. You know - no work = no pay. I've never worked harder in my life, but I have never felt so fulfilled at the same time. Keep that in mind if your considering becoming self-employed. If you have pictures of you sitting behind a desk playing around all day - your gravely mistaken. If you think that you can just take off whenever you feel like it - guess again. Clients are very demanding, and so long as you fulfill there demands - fairly - you'll be in business, once you start "slacking off" you may as well close your doors. Once you loose a customer - they are really hard to win back. To all the people that have helped me, offered their support and kind words, throughout my divorce, I don't know what else to say but thank you. A special thank you goes out to Alison, Diane, Dale, Cindy, Esther & Fritz - you all have gone way above and beyond "duty" for me. I hope that one day I'll be able to repay you for your kindness and generosity. A super special thank you goes out to my little angel Alexandra. I really don't know what or where I'd be without you. Stop by her site and take a look at her latest pictures, I'm forever snapping photos of her.
10/14/99 - Last updated Images found on this site are owned by Dario Mavric - do not use without written consent |