
These are my friends who have visited my website and would like to leave behind their impressions and other comments. Please also leave yours.



Romy Poquiz - 08/28/00 22:23:17
My Email:c4388pma@aol.com
Country: Phil
Age: 41
Sex: Male
Profession: Military Officer

Harlie, Sirrrr, How is my idol? What a wonderful website! A very interesting life story too! Your meteoric rise from the navy to the highest recesses of the corporate world is simply astounding! Very inspiring! Now I am thinking of an alternative career too. I will try to call you one of these days for a research I am doing. I am currently an MS Financial Management student here at the Navy Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. I hope you can share with me your expertise (for free, I insist, since I know I can't afford your fees anyway). My thesis is on optimizing the investment portfolio for the P223M AFP Provident Trust Fund. "Fair Winds and Following Seas", Sir!!!!

Shirley Villamor Gervacio - 05/24/00 16:24:13
My Email:shirleygervacio@hotmail.com
Country: USA
Age: 44
Sex: fenale
Profession: registered nurse

I enjoyed surfing your webpage. Congratulations for the good job done. You are really good.

Virgilio G. Telmo - 05/15/00 22:36:24
My Email:pidtel@mozcom.com
Country: Philippines
Age: 43
Sex: male
Profession: businessman

BOK!!! Do you remember me? Remember the cadet who fell from a 30 foot ravine during a foot march? That was May 1975. How time flies. Two weeks ago, I have contacted Col. Roberto Rongavilla. He is now police chief of Paranaque. Memories. I could think remember SANTIAGO, the CRUZES, SARMIENTO, MARTIR, HIPOLITO, TUNGALA, VALENTIN, also ESPENELLI, CANTILLEP, VINCE REGIS, the turnbacks CARINGAL and SUPNET. You are also a computer addict, eh? Just like me. Nice site, a work of a professional! Keep in touch.

guimboy - 03/28/00 04:51:26
My Email:guimboy79
Country: U.S.A
Profession: Registered Nurse

Just surfin' and stumbled on your home page

guimboy - 03/28/00 04:47:59
My Email:guimboy79


Monique Luzuriaga - 03/28/00 00:38:30
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/music/chainsaw_kitten/index.html
My Email:nitocris11@hotmail.com
Country: Australia
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Profession: Student

Hi My name is Monique Luzuriaga, I found your page while i was at school looking for information for an assignment I am doing. This assignment is a cross-cultural look at the family structure, in Australian society and Philippine society. I was looking fo other Luzuriaga's and your name came up in my search. I was wondering if you would be able to help me in any way. I would like to ask a few questions if possible. SO please email me if you get te chance. Thankyou :^)

Chot - 01/08/00 06:36:21
My Email:Chot79@philippines.army.net
Country: wherenoonehasgoneb4
Age: matters
Sex: often

Mistah -- CONGRATULATIONS !!! You have a very cute homepage & of course, a wonderful family. GOD BLESS always. -- Chot

winston domingo - 06/15/99 20:30:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/batwentyone/index.html
My Email:sdomingo@jazz.cybermedia.net
Country: USA (now) Philippines (then)
Age: 34
Profession: Physical Therapist

Just surfed in and found your page. Nice one. I hope you will update it. God bless . . . Wdomingo

alex resngit - 10/31/98 04:36:59
My Email:aresngit@semipower.com
Profession: corporate executive


Rolly Malinis - 09/16/98 13:21:52
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ronacris48
My Email:rmalinis@aol.com
Age: 49
Sex: Male

That was really a nice homepage. The content is substantial and direct to the point. Pictures speak louder than words. Congratulations to my former student in economics. You did more than your instructor man.

Mon-Mon Mitra - 08/27/98 03:50:17
My URL:http://www.thehun.net/
My Email:captan@info.com.ph
Country: Philippines
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Profession: Government Employee

Sir, were you ever a member of the camera concious club during your cadet days? Galing your Home Page. Nice the guy walking around....

Merv Tiu - 07/11/98 04:37:01
My Email:meteor6@aol.com
Country: US

Very snappy, sir. I am very impressed. More power to you.

cool dude - 05/24/98 11:13:43
Country: filipinas
Age: 35
Profession: cybersurfer

hehehe para tayong mga high tech little kids na nagpapapirma ng kanyang scrapbook. well, here it is, iba na talaga ang panahon, buti ka pa may homepage na, ako i still have to learn how it is done. i'll see you on our ICQ chatrooms. Nice kids and a wife you got!

OBY - 05/08/98 13:31:59
My Email:aantonio@imf.org
Country: United States
Age: the nerve!
Sex: sometimes...if lucky
Profession: does it look like I have one?

No more excuses! That was beautiful! EI naman o. I have to make one for myself. The best thing is it is there and now you can make any changes that you want.... not that you need to..but then... we are never satisfied!!!!!!

Butch Cabanban - 05/05/98 09:28:09
My URL:http://www.cabanban.home.ml.org
My Email:butch-81@cyberdude.com
Country: Philippines

Harlie! Cool homepage! You have a beautiful family, but na lang your kids look like your wife. Hahahaha. Best regards.

Antonio Cortez - 04/29/98 06:39:41
My Email:acortez@hotmail.com
Country: Chile
Age: 35
Profession: Engineer

Your page is sassy enough. Please include some tips or your favorite cool sites so we can also visit them after going through your page.

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