Powers's Military Retirement Book Store
Transitioning from military service to the civilian job market
is a significant change. The rules are very different from what
we've been living with for the past twenty plus years!! And, THERE'S
To help others with this transition, I recommend the following
- Retiring from Military Service : A
Commonsense Guide by K. C.
Jacobsen. This is the single best book I've
found to date. It discusses things you'll need to pay
attention to throughout the entire transition; it doesn't
just focus on the job search. There are a wide range of
decisions you'll be making as you prepare to transition
from the military, some of which can never be changed if
done wrong! This book is must reading!
- The 1998 What Color Is Your Parachute :
A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career Changers by Richard
Nelson Bolles. This book offers tons of
practical advice on how to best hunt for jobs and
includes a section on the particular concerns of
ex-military members. However, the best feature of the
book is that it provides a process to help you determine
what parts of the country you're most likely to enjoy
living in, what kinds of companies you're most compatible
with, and what kind of work will be most fulfilling for
you. An outstanding book!
Created on 18 April 1998.
Updated on 15 June 1998.