December, 2003-We took just a tiny haitus as Bill, our owner, was called up to active duty in the Gulf with his Navy reserve unit on Dec 20th, 2002. After much deliberation it was decided to halt the business temporarily rather than go on without him. He's back now and going about the process of reestablishing Power Video! Give us a call and see what we can do for you! 760-740-0311
Sept 15, 2002-Montages, montages, montages! If you've ever seen a video scrapbook done right you know it can be a powerful thing. A 50th wedding anniversary present, a surprise birthday present for your spouse, or a compilation of all your best trip pictures. Video scrapbooks take your pictures and movies and set them to your favorite music (with titles and graphics) to make that one of a kind present. These are seeing a surge in popularity this year like we've never seen before! Contact us today to talk about yours!
August 5, 2002-
Power Video recently shot a one-on-one interview with one of the actors from the movie, The Lord of the Rings. Dominick Monaghan (the hobbit Merry in the movie) was a fun and interesting guy to shoot. Originally from Scotland, Dom now resides in Los Angeles and is tremendously excited at the success of the first movie and for the prospects to come!
May 3, 2002-A busy spring to be sure! Lots of weddings, some corporate training videos and even a small clip shown on Real TV! Stay tuned on news of our next, upcoming underwater video trip.
Sept 12, 2001-Please join us in saying a prayer or having a kind thought for the victims (and their families) of the Sept. 11th tradgedy that befell our nation.
Sept 10, 2001- Lots of weddings, underwater footage and some promo videos sold. It's been a busy summer with still more to come!!
June 15, 2001- We shot a video for a downtown event at Golden Hall. The San Diego Youth Congress held it's rally for Youth Against Violence and quite a few celebrities were in attendance. Terrel Fletcher (San Diego Chargers), Ahmad Rashad Jr., MTV VJ Royce, A tap dancer from the Broadway show Stomp, local politicians, rap stars, and more. After producing an event video (of the day's happenings) for this worthy non-profit organization, Power Video will also be producing a Promo Video for them as well.
April 21, 2001- Southern California underwater footage is easy to come by. GOOD footage is not. Power Video has the footage you need for a variety of projects. Contact us today!
Feb. 22, 2001- We're a victim of our own success! We haven't updated this page recently, but it's not because there's been no news! Many weddings, corporate and military training projects, and other assorted sales have occured over the last few months... and, of course, a lot of scuba diving. We've been down on the wreck of the Yukon and what fun it is! If you're in San Diego, you owe it to yourself to see this jewel.
If you're planning for your wedding later this year DON'T wait 'till the last minute to retain your videographer and photographer. All the good ones may be taken! You can do no better than Power Video for your tape and we can also recommend an excellent photographer.
August 20, 2000- Another in a series of beautiful weddings occured yesterday. Holly and Steve got married at their aunt's beautiful, magazine cover home.
The Yukon, Canadian warship turned artificial reef, is now ready for diving here in San Diego. We're waiting for a clear-vis day and then let the cameras roll!
June 15, 2000-
Mary and John had a beautiful wedding and now they have the perfect video to remember it by.
We just finished editing it and everyone loves the results. The accompanying pictures are actual screen captures from the video. Congratulations John and Mary! May you have many happy years together.
May 19, 2000-
The trip to Kenya was good although not all we wanted it to be. Went on safari and DID get some video, but more than anything else we learned what to demand for the NEXT trip out this way. Knowing what to ask for is often half the battle, so we now consider ourselves better armed!
April 1, 2000-Many of you took our advice and purchased your wedding videos early. Good for you! It's not too late. Many dates are still open!
Mombasa, Kenya for two weeks in early May. The video possibilities are astounding!
January 4, 2000-
Well, Happy New Year from Bangkok everyone!
Our trip is almost over and we're looking forward to our journey home with bittersweet emotions. We've been to many places here in Thailand, most recently the northern province of Chiang Mai. All our adventures have been excellent and much good video footage has been gained. Elephant jungle treks, Cobra shows, pesky monkeys, even a friendly Lemur and Orangutan who didn't want to let go of our necks!
Although we did go scuba diving in Pataya Beach, diving wasn't the focus of our trip. Topside footage was taken and more specific plans were made for next time. That's right! We go back next year or the year after.
For those of you getting married this, the first year in the Twenty First Century, make sure that you retain your videographer and photographer early as demand is high. Contact us soon for a price quote!
December 16, 1999-One more day until our trip to Thailand. The fires are stoked, the excitement at a fever pitch. No matter how many trips we take, the feeling never changes. Merry Christmas everyone and a very happy New Millennium!
September 13, 1999-Power Video just bought tickets to Thailand. What better place to spend the Millenium? Will we dive? Take a big guess!
September 5, 1999-Power Video scored a one year unlimited diving pass to a local dive boat run by One-Eyed Jack's. It seems the Yukon Project had an online auction for the donated pass and NOBODY bid on it!
We came across it three weeks later and it was ours for a song! Sometimes Lady Luck blesses you with a surprise. (Proceeds from the auction went toward the project.)
August 19, 1999-Summer in San Diego has been just fine! There's not many better places on earth. As we continue to ally ourselves with the HMS Yukon sinking off Mission Beach (Canadian warship to artificial reef), it's looking more and more like the sinking will be postponed until spring. This fabulous project is well worth waiting for.
May 15, 1999- While in the Galapagos, Adra Ross (fellow shipmate) was kind enough to take pictures during our land excursions. To see them, .
May 1, 1999- We'd like you to know that we've moved! Now located in Escondido, we're central to San Diego, Orange, Riverside, and Los Angeles counties (and beyond)!
March 17, 1999- Just got back from the Galapagos Islands. Many of you know how eagerly anticipated this event was... and it lived up to its billing! What an exciting and awe-inspiring location. The Hammerheads alone were worth the price of admission. Darwin had it right when he said there's no place like it on earth. Much video was taken and some decent stock footage was gained.
Arguably the most excitement was found on land, back in Equador, not in the ocean. The day before we were to fly out of the country for home the government hiked prices on gas and other commodities 160%. Many citizens, including all the city of Quito's taxi drivers barricaded the streets with cars, boulders, and burning tires. What should have been a 10 minute ride to the airport took two hours. We barely made it there, having to fork out American dollars to several hoodlums manning roadblocks.
Several of my group who were leaving later in the day didn't make it and had to wait an extra day for flights to resume and the populace to calm down. All that being said, Quito is a beautiful city, and the Galapagos, with its sharks, marine iguanas, boobies, BIG tortoises, and many other species, was a pleasure to visit.
January 19, 1999- The squid haven't arrived in San Diego yet, but
that just gives you more time to arrange to go with us when they do.
A truly spectacular event, the squid run (awesome by itself) attracts
all kinds of predators who, although not dangerous to us, FEAST on the
millions of mating, egg-laying squid.
January 10, 1999- With the new year upon us, two things come
immediately to mind: 1) the March Galapagos trip isn't far away
and 2) The squid run in San Diego should be upon us. We've heard
it's running a little late this year, but we'll be going down there
this weekend to see what we can see. It's a real "can't miss" event.
November 28, 1998- Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Power
Video went up the California coast to San Simeon, home of Hearst Castle.
Stock footage of the magnificent Elephant Seal population residing
along the local beaches was the goal...mission accomplished!
The military field unit production seems to be shaping up to be a fun
project. Now if we can convince them to bring in some "Baywatch
calibre" models, we'll get the audience to stand up and take notice!
November 14, 1998- A morning dive with a vacationing couple who wanted
some video footage of their fun. The sun was shining down and they
got JUST what they wanted!
Contracted with a military field unit that wants some training videos
with an opening scene from an enemy diver's perspective as he makes
his way out of the water and attempts to infiltrate the unit's beachhead.
Should be interesting... more next time.
October 12, 1998- We've been doing some topside
shooting projects, so we haven't been in the water a
lot. Now that lobster season is here NOTHING will keep
us out! We can taste it now!
Power Video is planning a trip
to the Baja Peninsula over Thanksgiving to get some underwater footage.
A chance for some camping as well.