Heathkit QRP Modifications
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Open Heathkit QRP Index Now
New 6/21/03
Download Heathkit QRP Index (65 KB - ZIP File)
(Last Updated 06/21/03)
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Idea: Have all published and unpublished Heathkit HW-7, HW-8 and HW-9 modifications listed in one place.
Solution: Build an EXCEL 97 file with the list of published mods. Then ask others to contibute both published and unpubished mods to it. Keep the list corrected and updated . Make it available as a file for download and viewable on a web site. Includes US and Worldwide Sources.
The EXCEL file has a number of nice features including a cross reference column denoting if the mod is in Mike Bryce's book, "The HW-8 Handbook."  The file also includes links to some modification articles that are on other web sites. As additional on-line articles become known to me, I will add them. Another nice feature is abilitity to sort information. SORT buttons are included to help quickly locate mods.

I plan to add as many links in the EXCEL file as possible. That way you can have all the links in one place by simply downloading the EXCEL file. Then, from the EXCEL file, you can simply select the mod you are interested in and click the link to go to it.

PLEASE HELP:. Send your comments, additional HW-7, HW-8, HW-9 modifications, and corrections to me. Also, please send your ideas for improving the EXCEL tool.

Due to the SPAM generated from website EMAIL searches, I will provide my address in quotes. Write "QRP2010" and after the "@" use Yahoo.com. LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED HELP WITH THE FILE.  Thank you ... Chet
Chet Sprinkle - K8YTO  Revised 06/21/03
Link To the WinZip Website
Mod Count: 36 HW-7 115 HW-8   101 HW-9
@ 2003 Chet Sprinkle