What do I want from the Marketing & Sales Department ?

As a CEO I need to drive the business forward and provide leadership
From my Marketing & Sales Department I expect a consistent increase in sales revenues supported by a structured process
based on who are my clients, what do they need, what do they want, what can they afford, and where are they .

This reflects in the customer segmentation, pricing policy, promotional tactics and distribution methods.


  • What are their needs ?
  • What do they want ?
  • What can they afford ?
  • Where are they ?

    Customer Relationship Management is now the name of the game, today's winners use proper tools: get help from real professional Sales leaders like
    Siebel Systems founded and run by Thomas Siebel, former top Salesman at Oracle Corp.
    Closing the Sales is one thing, but following through in effective delivering of a quality product and a world-class after sales service will always make the difference !


  • If you are expensive, you MUST justify the value of your service !
  • If you are cheap, let it be known !


  • Advertizing
  • Gifts
  • Brand Name matters


  • Channel inventory
  • Channel choice
  • Channel Management

    The challenge today is to coordinate very well the multiple type of contacts customers have with your company (Visit, Phone, Fax, e-Mail, WAP, PDA etc.)

    Selected Reading:
    Advertizing Age

    EuroCEO > Marketing & Sales