Welcome to the the Descendants Message Board Page

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When you get to the message board,  click on "My Home Page" to return to DESCENDANTS.

First Born - looked up to yet resented & often forced to take on adult responsibilities very early in life.  True or False?  Share your experiences! Enter or respond to the subject: First Born Round-Table.

Discuss issues relating to being the oldest child in the family.

     Life without siblings - A blessing or a curse?   Voice opinions, swap stories, tell how it really is!  Enter or respond to the subject: Single Child Symposium.

Discuss issues related to being an only child.

Not the first, not the last... but somewhere in between.  Does it really make a difference?  Share your experiences and point of view!   Enter or respond to the subject:  Middle Child Convention.

Discuss how being a middle child affects your life.

Do you think the last born child gets treated differently from the rest?  Voice your opinion! Enter or respond to the subject: Washin' Belly Round-up.

Discuss the benefits and pitfalls of being the last born child.

Family Issues - from being born the first child to teen pregnancy, single parenting and dealing with a loved one with a disability.  Share your opinions, experiences and comments, gain and offer support, and enjoy!

Click for Family Issues

Trivia Time! - Ever wonder what a booger is made of?  Which animal has 300 teeth?  Visit Useless Knowledge.com, an online index of more than 10,000 trivia tidbits, quotations, tests, and useless facts, for answers to these questions and much much more!

More! MoRe! MORE!

My Bulletin Board - A pre-teen jamboree  for younger children to leave messages for each other.

Kids CLICK here for the Jamboree!!!

On Becoming an Adult -   A place for teens and young adults to exchange information and get to know each other.

Especially for teens and young adults <click here>

Public Board  - A place where you can post announcements or sit back, relax, meet new people and have  friendly chitchat. 

Click here to post public announcements or for general chit chat

The Age of Wisdom- Message board to foster dialogue amongst adults who have withstood the tests of time.


Dictionary! - Need to look up a word?  Click on the clock for a dictionary.


Journal Club - Discussions about books & literature

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To be or not to Be! - Check out this neat random quote generator.

Would you like us to add some of your favorite quotes... Or quote you, perhaps?

  Send us e-mail and let us know!

Click here to search for more Quotations


Midi's, Waves, Real Audio and More!  Click here to learn all about computer music, and get  links to some great Music, Video, Radio, Movie and Television websites!!!