Rex D'Souza,   E3/2  Salunke Vihar,  Kondhwa,   Pune 411022, INDIA,  email:   email:






Q & A



Mr. Rex D’Souza is an IRCA registered lead assessor for ISO 9001: 2000 in the disciplines of software, and engineering. He is a recognized lead-assessor, and in this capacity has conducted a large number of ISO certification and surveillance audits assigned by KPMG and American Quality Assessors for companies in India.


By virtue of hands on implementation experience, he has strengths in CMMI/CMM/ISO, Software Quality Assurance, Software Project Management, Management Information Systems, and skills required for a CMM/CMMI implementation, like Statistical Process Control, Technology Management, organizing, tasking and mentoring groups like SEPG, DP and so on.


He is a graduate in mechanical engineering and has done a postgraduate course in computer technology. He is an IT professional with more than twenty years of experience in software engineering, and possesses wide business application experience.


He functions as a consultant under his own name, has successfully implemented CMM up to Level 5 in software companies, and ISO certification for numerous other companies.








Post Grad. Comp. Tech.

Military College of Electronics and Mech Engg, Secunderabad. (MCEME)


B.E. (Mech.)

 Vikram University, Ujjain. 






SEI - CMMI Training

Nihilent Technologies


1 day

CMM Assessment Team Member for CBA-IPI
(CMM Based Assessment for Internal Process Improvement)



1 week

Rational Unified Process



1 week

ISO-9001 2000: Lead Auditor
Lloyd’s Register QA



1 week

SEI-CMM Training



2 days

Walkthroughs, Reviews & Inspections



1 week

ISO-9000 Quality Systems



1 week

Industrial Engineering



3 months

Systems Analysis and Design



1 week

Military College of Telecom Engg.-Mhow



5 weeks

Diploma EDP 



3 months

Electronics Engineering



4 months



“July 2001 To Date 
Vertex Software Pvt. Ltd. 
Quality Manager and Senior Consultant”

Vertex Software Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian software company having more than one hundred software engineers, with customers in USA and Japan. The company develops ERP applications using client-server technologies, web applications, and e-commerce software for customers in both countries. Their prestigious customers in USA are Northern Kentucky University, and in Japan, FITEC Corporation.

I joined Vertex Software in July 2001 as a quality manager, and was tasked on process improvement, improving software product quality, improving development estimates, and designing their quality management system with a view to attain ISO 9001: 2000.
I was subsequently appointed senior consultant and assigned the responsibility of obtaining SEI-CMM Level 5 for the company.

I provided software engineering expertise to the Vertex Software Development Process and development groups in all phases of the software development life cycle; applying the principles and practices of both: ISO 9001: 2000 and SEI SW Capability Maturity Model. 

I designed, and directed the development and maintenance of the Vertex Web-based Quality Manuals, which contain policies, plans, procedures, and other documented information for implementing the ISO, CMM and the Vertex software development process. The instructional materials were re-designed as required for software engineering and CMM training with a new goal based format which included criteria for successful training.  

I defined and implemented the Quality Management System (QMS) for ISO 9001: 2000, trained employees on the standard, and obtained ISO certification in August 2003. The company follows a backup and disaster recovery procedure compliant with the ISO standard designed by me. 

I trained the Software Quality Assurance Group to conduct audits of SW project work, products and processes; report results to Team Leaders for resolution of deficiencies and non-conformance items; encourage Team Leaders and Project Managers to achieve Closed Loop Corrective Action as soon as possible and analyze findings for reporting to top management.

I defined organized and implemented numerous help-desk systems with in-built escalation mechanisms: for system administration, for HR, for administration, and for technology requests. The help desk systems contain SLA’s or Objectives for tracking effectiveness and user satisfaction.

I organized and tasked various groups required for a CMM implementation, e.g. Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG), Defect Prevention Group (DPG) for root cause analysis, Project Management Office (PMO) and so on. The company is expected to achieve CMM Level 5 on 19th March 2005. I trained company personnel in measures and metrics, statistical process control (SPC), and causal analysis related topics like Ishikawa (Cause & Effect). I defined a process capability base-line using SPC.

“March 1998 To June 2001 
IQSoft Associates Pvt. Ltd. 
Resident Manager.”

“IQSoft Associates Pvt. Ltd. is a 100% software export Indian company started by an American from Atlanta Georgia. The company develops client-server and e-commerce software for customers in USA, and their prestigious customers in USA are Compris and National Cash Registers (NCR).

I joined IQSoft Associates Pvt. Ltd. in March 1998 as a project manager, and was tasked primarily on delivering Internet and client-server software solutions to USA businesses. I successfully developed several Point of Sale (POS) software products that cater to fast food restaurant requirements throughout the USA. I was personally responsible for business and technology development, and ensured customer delight by analyzing business processes and client needs, obtaining customer approval of design by deploying prototypes, using IBM-Rational method of incremental product delivery and training customers so that they could utilize the product quickly. The architecture was multi-layer, i.e. user interface, business logic and data layer.

I defined and organized a help-desk system, and trained employees on best practices in dealing with a help request, with necessary escalation if required. I defined the QMS for ISO 9001: 1994, trained employees in the standard, and successfully obtained ISO certification. I worked with SEPG in defining and institutionalizing repeatable key process areas (KPA) towards a CMM Level 2 implementation.

“May 1992 To May 1998 
Indus Software Pvt. Ltd. 
Quality Consultant”

“Indus Software Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian software company in Pune India. The company developed a CASE tool (Synthesis), client-server and e-commerce software for customers in India, and USA. GE is their prestigious customer.

I joined Indus Software Pvt. Ltd. in May 1992 as a Quality Consultant, and while in that company conducted system analysis and design using CASE tool Synthesis on numerous projects: Lending Solutions, Retail Banking, Insurance Solutions and so on.

I defined standards, procedures, and organized the QMS for ISO 9001: 1994, trained employees in the standard, and obtained ISO certification. I worked in the Software Engineering Process Group and SQA Group for a CMM Level 3 implementation. Organized and facilitated SEPG meetings, created and managed SQA plans, collected metrics, analyzed non-compliance trends and planned improvement plans based on data analysis on defect data and peer review results.

“November 1988 To March 1992 
EME School Baroda 
Head of Department Industrial Engineering"

The EME School Baroda is a prestigious training establishment for graduate engineers, and the Department of Industrial Engineering trains them in Information Technology and Industrial Engineering Techniques. 

I joined EME School Baroda in November 1988 as Head of Department and instructor grade “A”, 
and trained engineers in industrial engineering, and IT. Tasked the instructors, planned/ executed an enhanced training plan to include modern training aids like training films; and computer graffiti for computer languages, system analysis and design.

I Started a repair cell for computers and allied equipment, and oversaw development of establishment management and HRD packages.

“Prior to 1988"
On numerous assignments and projects, prominent ones are below:

(Feedback of Repair Workshop and Reliability Data)
System Analysis and Design of workshop activity and condition of equipment. Coverage of repairs and spares fitted in equipment. Spares usage was fed to a FORTRAN program for ABC analysis.

(Composite ‘A’ Vehicle System)
Armored equipment control by forecasting defective arising, analysis of symptom-fault strategy, forecasting of engine/ sub-assembly mean life, life cycle costs and reliability predictions by Weibul analysis.

(Computerized Officer Planning System)
HRD system for officers Incorporating personal details, qualifications and training of officers for future development and filling of vacancies.









  Dual Processor Pentium IV, Routers, Switches, Hubs

 Operating Systems

 DOS, Linux, Win XP, Win 2000




 Assembly, Pascal, Fortran, COBOL, C++, VB 6, Java, HTML, .NET

 Other Software 

 MS Office, Help Writer, MS-Project, Visio


Case: Synthesis, Testing tools: Express-Review, Rational & Mercury

Domain Knowledge



  Retail & Auto finance; Home and Personal loans; Credit cards; Retail Banking.
  Fixed deposits; and Loans against collateral securities like shares, and stocks.


 Motor, Marine, Fire, Medical, Burglary and so on


 Inventory, Labor, and Cash Management


 B2C and B2B


 Manufacturing and Warehouse management



  • SEI’s Capability Maturity Model (CMM/CMMI)

  • ISO 9001: 2000 and ISO 9003: 1997

  • Rational Unified Process (RUP)

  • Software Development Life Cycle Methodologies

  • Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF)

  • Unified Modeling Language (UML)

  • Software Quality Assurance (SQA)


ISO 9001: Certification Audits Representing KPMG and AQA - Software Scope 



 Future Soft Ltd.

  3 day certification audit of a CMM Level 5 company

 Info-Dynamic Telesystems Pvt. Ltd.

 1 day certification and 1 day surveillance audit.

 AXA Business Services Pvt. Ltd. 

  2 day certification audit.

 Tata Telesevices Ltd.

 1 day certification audit.

 Intelec Microcontrols

 1 day surveillance audit.



What is Your management style?

I would categorize my management style as "Management by Objectives", "Empowerment" and "Mentoring". I believe that if you define objectives clearly,  give team members the tools, structure and guidance to effectively complete an assignment and meet deadlines, your projects should succeed. Projects succeed through qualified team members and strong yet versatile management.

What is Your success rate in obtaining quality certifications?

My success rate is 100%, all organizations using my services have been certified on the first attempt, and I attribute it to a thorough understanding of every aspect of quality certifications. My accomplishments have been achieved by improving information flow, and enhancing cooperation between projects and support staff.   My current employer is very happy with my performance, and most of the process improvements initiated here have already come to fruition, so I am eager to consider new challenges. 

What are Your support qualities?

  • Skilled in determining compliance with international standards

  • Skilled in sorting and organizing complex detail 

  • Skilled in decomposing task information into task activity hierarchies 

  • Professional approach, superb communication skills, and excellent command over English.

  • High energy level, result oriented, self-motivated and outstanding leadership qualities

  • Stays abreast in his field, committed to achieve total success

What is the exact schedule when you can fly?

I have a few commitments, and some odds and ends to be taken care of. I may therefore comfortably say, that I can fly in about three to four weeks after I get your appointment letter.