
The Top most Lovely Place in the Middle East, Where I born and Lived for 27 years

Mousa Malkawi


Where I am currently live

Photo Album


His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan
His Majesty of Late King Hussein bin Talal
Where is Jordan?
What is in Jordan?
Map of Jordan
Quick facts about Jordan
Dictionary of Jordan
Malka My Own Village
Irbid- My Home City
Visit Jordan
Jordan Resources

HUT- Helsinki University of Technology
HUT- Main Page

International Master Program in Telecommunication
Computer Science and Engineering Department
Electrical and Communications Department
Private Courses

Technical Issues
Programming Languages

Telecommunication Guide
Data Communications
Math- Cheating Sheet (PDF)
Computer Science Dictionary

Some Interesting References
TCP/IP Network programming Guide
Java Step by Step
Software Testing
Developers Guide- Sun
Computer Science Depts. on the Web

Islamic and Arabic
Arabic World Dictionary
Arabic News
Arabic Mail
Arabic- Multi Languages Dictionary

Arabic Music- Demna and Kubbar


My name is Mousa Al-Mohammed, I am originally from Jordan where I born and leaved for 26 years before I moved to Finland. I born in Irbid city (North part of Jordan). In Jordan this city is called Bride of North. I studied and graduated from Yarmouk University- Hijjawi Faculty of Applied Engineering-Computer and Automatic Control Department). I am holding B.Sc. Degree in Applied Engineering (Major) Computer Engineering (Minor).

I had been working for Jordan Telecomm as System Administrator for almost 4 years starting from July 1996 until April 2000 where I moved to work with Nokia-Finland.

I have moved to Finland to work since May 1st 2000. Now, I am working for Nokia Networks Oy as Software Testing Engineer in IP Mobility Network (IMP) Platform. I am responsible for Integration Testing (IT) of Nokia products and 3rd party components. My responsibilities include IT planning, specification identification, designing, scripting and execution. Currently, I am a Integration Testing Project Manager in Network Platforms Integration Testing (NPIT) Department. I have wide experience in Unix System Administration for different UNIX platform systems mainly Solaris and Linux. In addition to that I am holding Sun Solaris 7 Administration Certificate Part I, and I am planning to get Part II. Furthermore, I have excellent experience in C and Unix shell scripting. Where I have implement different components using those two concepts for TCP/IP Network systems such as Web Server/Client, telnet, and other related stuff. Also, I have good experience in WinNT, TCP/IP, Java, EJB programming, and J2EE Server. Also, I am familiar with RMI-IIOP, JDBC, JNDI and testing tools for White and Black Box testing. In addition to that I have good experience using UML, and it's related tools such as ROSE. Finally, I am interesting CORBA messaging services and planning to do my Master Diploma on CORBA. If you would like to know more about my qualifications, certificates and experiences go to see my resume.

Feedback: Please if you have any comment on this site just let me know


Capital City of Jordan


The Rose City of Jordan


Ancient City from Byzantine era, North of Jordan