Kulmeet's Corner
Curriculum Vitae
Kulmeet Singh Dang
Office: Center for Healthcare Effectiveness Research
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Suite 121, Shiffman Med. Library
4325 Brush Street
Detroit, MI 48201
Telephone: (313) 993-1330
Fax: (313) 577-1773
E-mail: kulmeet@med.wayne.edu
Home: 1301 Orleans, Apt 606
Detroit, MI 48207
Telephone: (313) 393-1710
1994 |
B.S. |
Biopsychology |
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
M.S. |
Epidemiology |
Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI. |
D.O. |
Medicine |
University of Health Sciences, Kansas City, MO. |
Employment Background
8/96 – 8/99 Project Manager/Epidemiologist; Center for Healthcare Effectiveness Research at Wayne State University School of Medicine
5/95 - 8/96 Graduate Assistant; Department of Epidemiology at Michigan State University
7/95 - 7/95 Teaching Assistant; Reproductive & Perinatal Epidemiology at Univ. of Michigan School of Public Health Graduate Summer Session in Epid.
1/94 - 7/94 Research Assistant; Department of Family Practice at University of Michigan
5/93 - 8/93 Research Assistant; Department of Surgery at University of Michigan
6/92 - 10/92 Laboratory Assistant; Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology at University of Michigan
Volunteer Activities/Other Experience
6/95 - 7/96 Health Concerns Counselor at Gateway Health Clinic in E. Lansing, MI
8/93 - 1/94 Debate Judge/Assistant Coach at Ann Arbor Community High School
6/91 - 8/91 Radiographers Assistant (volunteer) at Medsport in Ann Arbor, MI
11/89 - 5/91 Debate Judge at Plymouth Canton High School in Canton, MI
6/89 - 8/89 Volunteer at Delano Regional Medical Center in Delano, CA.
6/86 – 8/86 Volunteer at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Youngstown, OH.
6/85 – 8/85 Volunteer at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Youngstown, OH.
Honors and Achievements
· Finished second in the state of Michigan in Lincoln-Douglass Debate in 1990
· Qualified for and competed in Lincoln-Douglass Debate, and Impromptu at the National Speech Tournament in San Jose, CA in 1990
· Qualified for and competed in Persuasion, Impromptu, and Lincoln-Douglass Debate at the College Nationals in St. Louis, MO in 1991
Offices Held
Michigan State University
1/95 - 12/95 Nominated and elected Student Co-representative for the Epidemiology student body
University of Michigan
1/93 - 1/94 Elected editor and executive board member of the Indian American Student Association
1/92 - 12/92 Elected editor of AISEC Michigan, an international business club
Hassan SS, Romero R, Berry SM, Dang K, Blackwell SC, Treadwell MC, Wolfe HM: Patients with a Sonographical Cervical Length <= 15 mm Have Nearly a 50% Risk of Early Spontaneous Preterm Delivery. Presented at the Central Association of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1999 Combined Meeting, Maui, HI, October 25-27, 1999.
Dang KS
, Lerner SA, Massanari RM, Bollinger R: A Practice Improvement Program for Ambulatory Anti-Microbial Prescriptions in Southeast Michigan. Presented to the Michigan Infectious Disease Society (MIDS) Annual Scientific Meeting, Royal Oak, MI, April 25, 1998.
Dang KS
, Massanari RM, Bollinger R: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Educational Interventions on Physician Prescribing Patterns Using Administrative Databases. Presented to the Society of Medical College Directors of CME Research in Continuing Medical Education (RICME) Conference, Ottawa, Ontario Canada, April 22-26, 1998.
Dang KS
, Bhasin K, Motoike P: The Sikh Identity: Mediation of Discrimination through Social Support Networks. Presented to the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, June 19 – 21, 1998.
Giblin F, Dang K, Firestone I: Violence: When the Assailant is an Acquaintance. Presented to the American Psychological Society Annual Convention, Washington, DC, May 21-24, 1998.
Massanari RM, Dang K: Validation of a Commercial Claims Database for Generating Prescriber Profiles. Accepted for presentation at the International Clinical Epidemiology Network (INCLEN), Queretaro, Mexico, February 16 - 21, 1998.
Dang K
, Massanari RM: Developing Prescriber Profiles from Claims Data: Issues of Validity. Presented at the 14th International Congress on Performance Measurement and Improvement in Health Care (ISQua & JCAHO), Chicago, IL, November 12 - 15, 1997.
Dang K
, Bowman J, Walsh S: The Effect of Physician Education on Knowledge of Best Prescribing Practices for Antimicrobials. Presented to the Society of Medical College Directors of CME Spring Meeting (SMCDCME), San Diego, CA, April 3 - 6, 1997.
Arden RL, Rachel JD, Marks SC, and Dang KS. Volume-Length Impact of Lateral Jaw Resections Upon Complication Rates. Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Vol. 125:68-72, January 1999.
Hassan SS, Wolfe H, Berry S, Blackwell S, Maymon E, Dang KS, Treadwell M, and Romero R. Cervical Length in the Midtrimester: A Risk Assessment. Manuscript submitted to American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Dang KS
, Massanari RM, Bollinger R. The Use of Administrative Databases in Physician Education Outcomes Evaluation. Manuscript in progress for submission to Clinical Performance and Quality Health Care.
Horton SL, Mizuguchi RS, Casoglos A, Dang KS, Rhabarhi H, Mehregan D, Miller C, Bowie C, and Hashimoto K. Spiny Keratoderma: Association with HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors. Manuscript in progress for submission to Archives of Dermatology.
Casoglos A, Dang KS, Meinke J, and Massanari RM. Clinical Epidemiology. Chapter 1.3 in Practical Strategies in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Ransom SB, Dombrowski MP, McNeeley SG, Moghissi KS, and Munkarah AR (eds.). W.B. Saunders, (in press).
Arfken CL, Casoglos A, Dang KS, Meinke J, and Massanari RM. Clinical Epidemiology. Chapter 9 in Clinical Resource and Quality Management. Ransom SB, and Pinsky W (eds.). Published by the American College of Physician Executives, 1999.
Wayne State University School of Medicine Dean’s Award
This pilot project entitled, "The Provision of Health Care to Underserved Minority Populations in SE Michigan by African American Graduates of Wayne State University School of Medicine," was funded to ascertain the feasibility of tracking physician populations to determine the proportion of African American graduates of the Wayne State University School of Medicine (WSU-SOM) practicing in underserved areas versus non-African American graduates.
Co-Investigator – Kulmeet S. Dang
$1,350 7/99
Society of Medical College Directors of CME Research Grant
This two year award is to evaluate the effectiveness of a previously proposed teaching and research program (The Save 100 Anti-Microbial Initiative) to change knowledge about quality, cost-effective prescribing for anti-microbials.
Co-Investigator - Kulmeet S. Dang
$3,800 5/97 - 5/99
"Save 100 Project: An Update." CHER Research Exchange Workgroup, Invited Speaker, Wayne State University School of Medicine, May 15, 1997 Detroit, MI.
"Databases: Considerations for Development." Methods in Medical Quality Assessment and Improvement course, Guest Lecturer, Graduate Summer Session in Epidemiology, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI, July 16, 1997, Ann Arbor, MI.
"Save 100: An Experiment in the Reduction of Practice Variation." Methods in Medical Quality Assessment and Improvement course, Guest Lecturer, Graduate Summer Session in Epidemiology, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI, July 25, 1997, Ann Arbor, MI.
"Introduction to Descriptive Statistics," Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Michigan, Guest Lecturer, Metro Service Center, October 9, 1997, Southfield, MI.
"Databases in Healthcare: Considerations for Development." Healthcare Effectiveness Research Seminar, Invited Speaker, Wayne State University School of Medicine, December 12, 1997, Detroit, MI.
"Databases: Considerations for Development." Methods in Medical Quality Assessment and Improvement course, Guest Lecturer, Graduate Summer Session in Epidemiology, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI, July 8, 1998, Ann Arbor, MI.
"A Viral Etiology to Pediatric Leukemia – A Review of the Epidemiological Literature." CHER Research Exchange Workgroup, Invited Speaker, Wayne State University School of Medicine, December 3, 1998 Detroit, MI.