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Here's the list of phonecards for sale from serb-held part of Bosnia-Hercegovina - "republika srpska".
All phonecards are used unless otherwise stated.
First serie
     - values 60, 300, 600
     - issued in December 1996
     - only 30.000 pcs of each card are issued
     - all cards have a pictures of Banja Luka, second largest town in Bosnia and a capital of "republika srpska"
     - 18 sets available

Price per serie is 9 US$.

First serie (unused)
     - value 60
     - the phonecard is very rare and still wrapped in plastic
     - only 4 cards available

Price per card is 15 US$.

Second serie
     - values 110 and 160
     - those phonecards are made on 600 phonecards from the first serie (it's like the overprinted stamps or banknotes)
     - 9 sets available

Price per serie is 4 US$.

Third serie
     - value 110
     - issued in May 1997
     - 50.000 pcs issued
     - 29 cards available

Price per card is 2 US$.

Fourth serie
     - values 160 and 330
     - issued in December 1997 (160) and January 1998 (330)
     - issued 60.000 pcs (160) and 20.000 pcs (330) issued
     - available: 19 pcs (160) and 4 pcs(330)

Price per serie is 4 US$ (or 2US$ per card).

Terms of Sale:

Postage (surface, non-registered mail) will be calculated depending on Your order.
If You want, I can send the shipment by registered letter, but in that case, please add 5 US$.

For larger orders, discount will be applied.

I hope that you'll find something interesting.
I'm also planning to scan the phonecards soon and upload the scans.
However, if you ABSOLUTELY want to see the scans earlier, send me an e-mail and I'll do it.


If you have questions, comments or suggestions, email me at
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Last updated: 29 Dec 2000