Ref # Apoen Date
Issued in Basic colour Color of print
FW267 1000 dinara Sept. 1992 Banja Luka
red/blue darkbrown/gold
FW268 2000 dinara Sept. 1992 Banja Luka
red/blue darkblue/black
Bosnia-Hercegovina - local issue - BANJA LUKA
- Money checks 1000 and 2000 Dinara.
- Military money (certificates) used to pay the army of Bosnian serbs.
- Issued by BANJA LUKA BANK / Directorium for Work and Population.
- Cancelled endorsed on reverse with signature and military ID's number of the soldier (payer).
- The notes with the stamp of place (city) on the reverse exist too.
- Banknotes with reverse stamp are worth about 20% more.
- All notes are hole cancelled.
Bosnian military currency is described in the book:
H.Frizinger/V. Welzenbach - Papiergeld aus dem Krieg in Bosnien-Herzegowina 1992-1995.
(Paper money from the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina 1992-1995), page 82, cat no. FR267/268.
The notes are presented in this year's IBNS newsletter.
Interested in buying (or trading) Bosnian military currency? Contact me at
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Last updated: 29 Dec 2000