Wwoofer for Hire
Wwoofer for hire

I'm interested in working on farms in your local area soon.
This in an introductory note to tell you who I am.

Here are my details: -

: Gary
Tel.No:  O2-99909118    
Age: 55           
Gender: Male   
Marital Status: Single  
Nationality: Australian

Work Skills: Basically I'm a city slicker. I don't have any real farm skills although I am educable/trainable.
Can herd goats, dig ditches, sweep, wash, clean, clear prickly pear, apprehend errant children, pass tools, move goods, talk for ages, collect eggs, pull out Patterson's curse, chop wood, boil water, and generally make your life easier. With a little tuition I can pot, plant, propagate and prune.

Past Farm Experience: Caretaker for a number of farms (a kelpie farm in Helidon, Qld. a few times, Pallano stud Richmond, NSW (many times), a farm near Kempsey, and a property in Peel, NSW.
Recently worked as a wwoofer at the Yurt Farm (Goulburn), with Kathy at Martin?s Creek, a Biodynamic chicken farm north of Maitland, and recently at Nambucca Heads. I also fitted in a farm/property sit at Gloucester.

Food Requirements
I just prefer to eat plain (soft) meat and vegetables, eggs, fruit nuts and seeds. I can eat vegetarian or vegan if required. I like fresh unprocessed food, home made if possible. My biggest no-no is sugar products and food items with hidden sugar. Please don't tempt me. Also minimal grain products and dairy

I want some clean air, a cool change, and a break from the big city.
I want to meet people on the land, to help out, to discover a better path if there is one out there.
I don't know much about permaculture or organic growing-sorry I don't have much to offer in that regard. I am very educable though.

I love a clean, warm, cosy, homely room (or caravan or a cabin).
I'd like to work 4 hours a day on average; however I can work full days if needed. I'd love nice, friendly, positive hosts. I like to have whole days off occasionally to recharge my batteries. Some access to the outside world (phone/email) would be appreciated and no heavy lifting at the moment (osteopath?s orders).
Smoke free indoors please
Duration of stay 2-7 days for starters and longer if we get on.

I come with a backpack, no transport, and no ties.
It would be nice if you have some old work clothes to save me carrying any; otherwise I'll drop into Vinnies.
I have travelled widely, an ex-teacher (PE), play a few chords on guitar and piano, like sports and the outdoors and travelling to wild and exotic places.
If I sound ok and seem to meet your requirements let me know.
Captain Gary aboard the STV Lady Nelson
My Favorite Links:
Lonely Planet
My Info:
Name: gary