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Ij Stonehorse PlayList
Gloryhound usa
Work of the Future
You don't want a job. You want the money. The heck with the job. Why do politicians think it's such a hoot  to promise jobs if they get elected? Cripes, that's like like getting underwear for Chrismas.
Don't work harder. Work less, especially if you're getting paid for it
you'll live longer.

Motivation: Its more lucrative to B.S. about making a living than
actually going out and earning one.

The soothsayer will always predect a bright future for you as soon
as he/she secures your credit card number.

The future's  always here before you know it, gosh darn it.
If you have not prepared, you will get caught with your pants down,
trip, and crack your head open as you flee the inevitable.
Dont sweat the future. Keep your pants up and tomorrow takes care of it self.
We can't all be superheroes. besides, the ladies don't exactly go ga-ga for guys who where capes, sheer gloves and their underwear outside their leotards.

The Dog House
Experts say a marriage is something you got to work at.
Cripes, you work all day at your crappy job and you
get home and try to take a load off -- but no -- now you're
supposed to roll them sleaves back up and go back to work
for the Mrs. just so you don't have to sleep on the couch again?
Give me a focking break, for cryin out loud.

Of marriage vows, there are but two that cannot be broken:
"Till death to us part" and " damned if you do and damned
if you don't."

No matter how hard you try to watch your step, one way or the other
you will step smack-dab into the middle of it and track it all over the carpet
when its only in that single spot.Welcome to the dog house.
to be married is to be man's best friend. Roll over and play dead.
The more you don't act like a lunitic these days, The more people suspect you are one.
Dreams and The Power of Silence
He is wise who does not chow down on a pepperoni pizza right before  calling it a day.
Dreams are stupid. All you want to do is catch alittle shut-eye but instead
all of a sudden your brain decides it's time to play file director. Hey, who needs
the aggrevation?  Not me.

It's been said that one mime can clear a theater. in our attempt to flush out
Usama bin-there-done-that from his lair, our president intends to smoke him
out. Swell. That smoke and a couple of mirrorswe out to nab anytime now.
Dream on. Lets round up a whole bunch of those white faced silent entertainers
and drop them inot the heart of Afghanistan. Again, if one mime can clear a
theater, 50 or so ought to be able to clear out the whole contry.
Mandatory prayer on public transportation; mandatory learning in the public schools.
Importance of the Individual
History is one big honking garage sale where one man's pieces of junk becomes another man's piece of junk.
How is one to survive in today's world without access to technology?
hard to believe how the homo sapien was ever able to survive at all
Through thousands and thousands of years, through Ice Ages, Plagues,
Dinos and famine, through shoddy workmanship and questionable practices
in the meat packing industry, but now all of the sudden if just one kid's e-mail
craps out,the human race could be extinct in a New York minute.
System Error, you bet.
Culture's nothing but more tool for rich to oppress the working man by pretending to enjoy something that's really,really hard to figure out and if you do, it doesen't make any sense, anyway. The true creature we need to survive is the one the doctor wipes out of the back of youre throut with a popscicle stick to see if we need a shot or two of penecillin in the keister or not.
Writing Life
To make a million dollars writing a weekly newspaper, start with two million.
The writing life is not for everyone. Seems theonly ones who pursue
that life todayare college stuents and lawyers who write one crappy book
and then millionaire sharpies in Hollywood turn it into and even crappier movie.
Baseball, the no-clock game for punch-clock guys remains our national pastime since it continues to reflect democratic principles: a player may still make it onto the field who is fat and slow the average Joe Blow in the stands, and a candidate may make it into office who is mean and stupid as the average Joe Blow in the
voting booth.
Furry Companionship
House pets - they don't drink,they don't smoke,don't gamble. No wonder they don't live that long - hell, who'd want to.
Animals belong either in the woods or on a menu, but not in my living room going nuts trying to get at something that rooled under the sofa. Until they put a house pet on the market that can operate a microwave, flush a toilet and become a chauffeur, you can forget about me having something with four legs legs besides a table.
Never ever mix good booze with soda, what are you, nuts?
If golf is as exciting as watching paint dry, fishing is like listeneing to it dry.
Fish make me think alot. Evolution isn't what its cracked up to be after all.
Thousands and thousands of years swimming around and taking a bite
out of first thing they see., you'd think the fish would have instinct by now,
ain' a? they eat worms. What do fish now about worms.
Worms live in the ground, fish live in the water. please soemone tell what
goes on in a fish's head, besides absolutely nothin, just to go take a chunk
out of somethin they have never seen before. That kind of behavior does
strike me as the knd that fosters survival for eons, let alone a day.
conseidering if you walked down the street and out of the clear blue
you saw somethin brown we never saw before, so the first thing we do is
take a honking bite out of it ,like a fish. The human species as we know it
would have been in the crapper years ago by now and the universe would
would be even more lonely place than it already is.
"Is it true that when you smile the whole world smiles with you?" there is no way to know for sure. sure would like to think so,though. What's the harm tryin, ain'a? what the fock.
Angels Gifts Galore
-==-==Strange Brew Crew==-==-
M A C ---C H A T

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