

694 17th Street NW, Cleveland, TN 37311-4339

A truly unique Real Estate Company with a purpose!   Opened for business in 1985, then some ten years later, Tim Shaw designed and built this building in 1995. First Time Home Buyers Are Our Specialty! We endeavor to be the Home of Home Ownership Opportunity! Listings and Sales, Options, Rentals, New Construction, and maintenance services are all available on an Equal Opportunity Basis.  We serve more than 100 households each year with their real estate needs.


1St Enterprise is located one block east of Keith Street (US Highway 11) on the corner of 17th Street and Stuart Avenue NW. From I-75 take exit 25 east to Keith Street, turn right (south) on Keith and proceed to second traffic signal (17th Street), then turn left and our office is one block on the left.  


Notice the 1St Enterprise sign on the corner.


Affordable Housing - Act Now! Call Tim Shaw at   (423)  472-5416                          


Greetings! Welcome to my AOL  pages! You will learn a little about me here and you will find some links to some of my favorite places on the internet! Perhaps you and I have something in common.  Are you interested in real estate?

Cleveland, Tennessee is my home and the location of my business office. I am a provider of real estate and construction services within the "River Counties Realtors Association" service areas. This includes: Bradley, Polk, McMinn, Meigs, Rhea, and parts of Monroe Counties of Tennessee. I still venture a little west and a little south for my own account. I am an avid investor in real estate, always interested in viewing properties for sale or exchange.

Our Ocoee Region is fast becoming world renowned for our Ocoee River activities. I predict a tremendous amount of growth for cabin retreats, fishing, camping, canoeing, rafting, overnight lodges, entertainment, shopping, and the buildup of a resort/vacation community along the 64 Highway into the Ocoee River area. Get in on the fun! Try the river rafting. Bring your investments into our area for a great adventure and high returns!

A Few Of My Favorite Places To Visit

  • REALTOR.COM: Find a Home - Start Your Search

  • Homes for Sale - Government Agencies

  • 1St Enterprise Profile

  • Tim Shaw, Realtor Profile

  • Bradley County Cleveland Tennessee

  • Cleveland City Schools

  • Southern Adventist University

  • Lee University, Cleveland TN -- Higher Education

  • Thank You For Visiting This Site!  My Email:   unorealtor@aol.com

    Toll Free: 1-877-846-7429

    1St Enterprise Real Estate

    * Sales * Listings * Options
    * Homes * Land * Investments
    * Property Management
    * Buyer Agency * Seller Agency
    * Referrals

    * First Time Buyers * Last Time Buyers
    * Transferees * Move Ups * Empty Nesters
    * Foreclosures * Bankruptees * Divorcees
    * Estates

    * A Career In Real Estate @ 1St Enterprise

    1St Enterprise Construction

    * Custom Homes * 10 Year Warranty
    * Speculative or Stock/Plan Homes
    * Licensed Home Builder
    * References
    * Construction Experience Since 1986
    * Conventional Homes * Log Homes
    * Contemporary Homes
    * Design & Site Assistance Available

    1St Enterprise 

    Shaw  Heating & Air Conditioning



    Built To A
    Higher Standard

    * Web Special - Tune Ups $59.95

    * 9% Fixed Rate Heat Pump Financing

    * Service On All Makes & Models

    " Your Comfort Is Our Business"



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