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Home Page of

Janusz Gierulski

Cabinet Secretary District 121 Poland

Lions Club Elblag, Poland

Lions Club Elblag Officers and Members

Prezydent : Andrzej Jarczewski
Adres do korespondencji : 82-300 Elblag, Pl.Slowianski 2 - Hotel "Elzam"
Data rejestracji : 08.09.1992
Klub patronujacy : LC Rastede (Niemcy) Adres InternetowyMeetings are held on the Second Tuesday of each Month at 6:00 P.M. in the Hotel Elzam, Elblag, Poland.

Janusz Gierulski, Cabinet Secretary District 121 Poland

 See What a Difference It Makes as Lions HELP the World!

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 Trip to U.S.A.-1

 1999 Convention

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