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The House of McLaren offers an extensive range of finely crafted jewellery imported directly from Scotland. We carry rings in silver and gold depicting a rampant lion, thistle, or long ship, wedding bands and more...

We carry kilt pins, crosses and brooches for all occasions.

You can also find a collection of traditional jewellery such as Luckenbooth pins, Tara brooches and Penanulars.

The Luckenbooth pin consists of two interlocking hearts topped by a crown. The pin is traditionally given to the betrothed and later will be pinned to the shawl of each baby to ward off evil spirits.

A Pennanular is an original design used to hold the wearers' cloak in place.

When you visit the House of McLaren you will find much to choose from: Heather gems, Crystal art jewellery and a large selection of delicate Cluddagh rings.


Luckenbooth Pin
Cluddah Brooch
Pennanular Pin

125-131 Water Street (Gastown) Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1A7
Tel: (604)-681-5442 Fax: (604)-681-5847