Well R + S Printing sucks the big one
What a shi thole
Dorris is nothing but an old pus sy sorry lying peice of sh it
Ame is one of the ugliest man-less bitc hes on earth-she thinks she is just gods gift to mankind.
I would not let my dog have her
Rodney is a baldheaded lying stingy peice of sh it
Rex is one of the all-time snitches and just another as skisser
Lenny is another yankee peice of sh it
Pam is a nasty disgusting pig slob
Sharon is a dryed up old dumbass loud mouth bi tch
Peggy is a stupid little ugly birdbrain pain in the as s bi tch
Virginia is a very ugly fat pig slob so stupid she makes me sick
Steve Cole is just a que er fat pus sy mammas boy bit ch whineer
Greg is justa fat pregnant que er fag ot yankee peice of s hit