Breast Cancer Awareness
My name is Esther, on March 24, 2000 I was diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (Breast Cancer). Needless to say my life was to change forever. I have had a double mastectomy with reconstruction. My treatment consist of eight sessions of chemo and 28 sessions of radiation. The doctors believe all the cancer was gotten and so far there is no evidence of the cancer having spread. I truely stand on the word of God that(by his stripes I am healed).
It is now August 2003. Three years since my surgery and two years since I finished all of my treatments. I have had many test and all have come back free of cancer. I have three children 24, 20, and 17. My daughter is now learning to drive and I am the one teaching her. A few years ago I didn't think I would be and I am very happy that I discovered the cancer and servived all the treatments. It definitely has been worth it. Bless the Lord with all my soul and all that is within me. Bless your holy name (Jesus).Invasive Lobular Carcinoma: this type of cancer starts in the milk producing glands, and can spread beyond the breasts to other parts of the body. About 10 to 15 percent of invasive breast cancers are ILC. This type of cancer is also extremely hard to diagnose; it is multifocal and known to be bilateral.
Carcinoma in situ: Cancer that stays confined to ducts or lobules and has not invaded surrounding tissues or other organs in the body.
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma: Starts in milk passage, or duct, of the breast. This cancer breaks through the wall of the duct and invades the breast fatty tissue. It can spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system and the bloodstream. IDC, accounts for about 80 percent of all breast cancers.
Medullary Carcinoma, Colloid Carcinoma, Tubular Carcinoma, Inflammatory Breast Cancer, and Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma.
I went into details of the first three due to the percentage of women who will get these cancers. At your earliest convenience I would recommend that you take some time to get more information on all of the above.
To all that will view this page, please educate yourselves, wives, daughters and mothers et. Do the self breast exams, (that is how I found mine) get your mammograms and question any unusual change in your breast. You can also get a ultra sound of the breast and if in doubt, insist that you would like to have at least a needle biopsy. DO NOT LET YOUR DOCTORS MAKE A SMALL MATTER OUT OF UNUSUAL CHANGES IN YOUR BREAST. This is your life that could be at stake and being persistent in your health is what will help to save it.
Thank you for taking a moment to view this page. I pray that someone will be helped and enlightened.
Pamela, Keith, Carol, Rose, Angela, Barbara B(Atl), Barbara B(Ohio), Brenda, Gail, Ruthie, Margret, BellSouth Small Business of Atlanta, Pastor Jessie, Sister Jackie and Sufficient Grace Tabernacle. Thank you precious Jesus for your Love and making me so very rich with the friends and loved ones you've placed in my life.
Need JESUS? John 3:16. General Surgeon? Dr Darryl Tookes 404 766-6165. Plastic Surgeon? Dr Joseph M woods IV 404 292-4223. Oncology and Hematology? Georgia Cancer Specialists. {} Dr. Richard Loyd 770 822-0788